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Square One Law announces strategic EU alliance


Sep 24, 2017 #Business

Commercial law firm Square One Law, has agreed to a strategic alliance with Brussels-based EU law practice Kemmlers, as a response to the North East business communities’ continued reliance on exporting more than 50% of its services to EU member countries.

At a time when continuing uncertainty surrounding the Brexit negotiations presents new and specific challenges to UK businesses, the move will ensure that Square One Law’s clients have access to European Institutions as well as giving them a base to have influence within EU’s trading community. It will also offer Square One Law’s clients a full range of EU commercial legal services under one roof.

As well as maintaining access to EU institutions, businesses will require the expertise of EU lawyers if the EU Withdrawal Bill incorporates all current EU law into UK law. One of the unintended consequences of the implementation of the EU Withdrawal Bill is that a knowledge of how to interpret EU law will be required to be able to advise on a raft of ‘new’ UK laws.

Senior Partner, Ian Gilthorpe, said: “As a firm we have never expressed a view as to whether remain or exit was better for the UK and has remained neutral in the Brexit debate. During the negotiations and whatever their outcome, our client base will need access to Europe and the EU as people will always find a way to trade regardless of politics.

“Neil Warwick, who heads our EU and competition team, is the leading EU lawyer in the region and this alliance will allow us to provide the necessary support our clients require whilst also offering Kemmlers’ clients access to the UK market.”

Neil Warwick, Head of EU & Competition Law at Square One Law, said: “I have had a longstanding working relationship with the Kemmler’s lawyers, which this alliance now formalises.

“Rather than simplifying matters, the introduction of the EU Withdrawal Bill may mean that international businesses are subject to existing UK law and also have to interpret the new laws to an EU-style of explanation. As the EU develops new laws, some businesses may face a dual interpretation system, which undoubtedly will add to the complexity of doing business in Europe.

“The North East is more reliant on the EU as a market for its services than any other region in the UK; therefore we are keen to give our clients as much flexibility as we can as they position their businesses to navigate future challenges.”

Kemmlers, as one of the few remaining boutique EU law practice in Brussels, has offices on Rond Point, Schuman, conveniently situated between the EU’s External Action Service and the Parliament, directly opposite the EU Commission, literally giving it a base in the centre of the EU.

Scott Crosby, Head of Kemmlers, said: “This alliance makes perfect sense and should benefit our respective clients and both parties at this difficult time and beyond.”

By Emily