• Tue. Feb 25th, 2025

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Square One Law guide lays out four possible legal outcomes of Brexit

Neil Warwick, Square One LawNeil Warwick, a leading EU and competition lawyer at Newcastle-based Square One Law is encouraging participation in the EU Referendum from an informed position by providing a factual overview of the legal process that will commence in the event of a leave outcome.

Neil has produced a simple guide showing the four possible legal outcomes in the event that the vote is to leave the EU. He developed the guide as an at-a-glance reference for business people in response to the lack of objective and factual analysis available to the public.  

The guide can be downloaded from www.squareonelaw.com

Neil said: “Which ever way people decide to vote on 23 June, they need to be able to easily understand the implications of their decision. I have been struck by how overly complicated and negative the majority of the press coverage has been about this crucial vote and by creating a straight forward guide I hope that businesses will be able to chart the flow of the legal processes we would have to enter into.

“It is important to recognise in three of the four scenarios the UK would still be subject to EU law and free movement of people, but crucially would no longer have any input into the formation of new EU laws.

“It is also worth noting that the negotiations to leave the EU would take a minimum of two years from the point the Article 50 notice is served, but any new arrangement could take at least ten years to conclude. If we stay in the EU, there would be no legal changes to the current arrangement.”

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