North East Connected

Students celebrate spectacular end of year

STUDENTS and staff invited families to share in spectacular end of year celebrations which saw them join in lessons, witness a variety of sporting prowess and have a ball.

Barnard Castle School and Preparatory School brought term to a close with a host of activities making the most of being able to open their doors once again to families.

At Prep School, pupils were treated to a day-long extravaganza of fun including drum workshops culminating in a whole-school performance.

Budding young athletes competed in track and field events for individual and house honours before the term was brought to a close with a special Year 6 leavers valedictory service and prizegiving evening.

Headmistress Laura Turner said: “It’s an evening of mixed emotions. On the one hand the children are ready for their next adventure but on the other, for the adults, we can’t believe they have grown up so quickly. Their time at Prep School may have come to an end but an exciting new chapter is about to start. So dare to be you because this is your journey.”

At senior school, parents were invited to join congregational singing, lessons and activities including musical theatre, lectern club, computing, forensic science, historical recreation and Combined Cadet Force exercises, before enjoying a picnic on the back fields.

Senior sports day saw students battle it out in long distance and sprint races, relays and the tug of war, as well as long, triple and high jump, discus and shotput.

At a service of valedictory, Year 13 leavers were given special badges, inscribed hymn books and an oak tree sapling to mark their transition from Barnardian to Old Barnardian, joining a network of alumni 5,000-strong.

Headmaster Tony Jackson said: “Just six weeks before their GCSEs this year group faced a pandemic, a bizarre world of masks, Perspex screens and isolation. Yet here they sit proud and purposeful having overcome adversity.”

In the evening, sixth form leavers enjoyed a ball with staff and family at Ramside Hall, near Durham.

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