North East Connected

Success for the Tees Valley School Games

A number of schools in the Tees Valley took part in the Tees Valley School Games County Festival of 2019 at the Dolphin Centre in Darlington on 3rd April.

Chris Cook

The event which was attended by over 250 talented young sports players was opened by former Olympics, world championships and European championships swimmer, Chris Cook.

Children aged between 9 and 14 years old took part in the swimming galas, dance, netball and boccia and special guest, The Mayor of Darlington, Veronica Copeland presented winners with medals.

Jean Lordon, Executive Director of Tees Valley Sport said, ‘The School Games is a fantastic event and it’s wonderful to see so many young people take part.

‘The day is a culmination of the intra-school and inter-school festivals and competitions that have taken place during the 2018 – 19 academic year and it’s great so many Tees Valley schools have come together to compete.’

Those who took part represented their district and competed against each other in the “Spirit of the Games” – a set of values that embody the ethos of the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

View the results online.

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