Specialist work carried out by Middlesbrough’s largest landlord has enhanced the local environment for residents in the town.
The communal gardens at Markby Green, Netherfields have been completely redesigned thanks to Erimus Housing, part of the Thirteen Group, creating a more user-friendly and sociable area for residents to enjoy.
Four seating areas, timber pergolas, elevated planting beds for flowers, introducing colour and attracting wildlife and raised planters for vegetables have been created to boost the environment for residents.
The investment, in partnership with Groundwork North East & Cumbria and Brambledown, is part of an ongoing programme to transform local communities. Thirteen has already delivered more than 26 environmental schemes across the area to improve outside areas.
Chris Smith, Director of Business Development at Thirteen Group, said: “We have worked in partnership with landscape architects, contractors and the local community to develop attractive and practical gardens at Markby Green.
“Thirteen is about much more than housing and we are committed to investing in schemes that enhance the lives of residents.
“We take great pride in our work to enrich neighbourhoods and the feedback from residents is always very positive.”
Liz Allen, Senior Landscape Architect for Groundwork North East & Cumbria, said: “The Markby Green community garden has completely transformed the tired grass area into a wonderfully colourful space that everyone can enjoy.
“Groundwork’s motto is ‘changing places, changing lives’, and by working with Erimus Housing, part of the Thirteen Housing Group, to create useable, practical areas that can enjoyed by all of the residents, we are helping to create a deeper sense of community.
“We’ve already had great feedback from some of the residents. The individual planters in particular seem to be a big hit and are encouraging people to strike up conversation, swapping tips about what to plant and when. I’m sure when it comes to harvest there will be lots of produce swapping too!”