North East Connected

Volunteer opportunities on offer in Northumberland for anyone interested in supporting prisoners’ families

A north east charity, supporting over 125,000 visitors to north east prisons each year, is seeking new volunteers to help support families and children of prisoners at HMP Northumberland near Morpeth.

Nepacs has worked across the north east region for over 135 years to help support a positive future for prisoners, their friends and families.

Nepacs have a fantastic team of volunteers working across the region, but are particularly keen to recruit more volunteers at HMP Northumberland located at Acklington near Morpeth. HMP Northumberland is a category C prison that caters for male offenders.

The Northumberland prison visits team are looking for people who have a few hours to volunteer on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday each week to help families on the day they visit a loved one in prison. They need help booking people in for a visit, serving refreshments and in their play areas for young children, both outside and inside the prison.

Emma Price, Nepacs’ volunteer coordinator, said: “The impact of imprisonment on children and families can be devastating which is why we feel it is important to support them every step of their journey – from the courts, during the time their loved one is in prison and prior to release.  Our team of volunteers are dedicated to helping prisoners’ families and children across the north east, but we are looking for more volunteers to join our team and help us to offer the best support possible during what is an extremely difficult time for families.”

*Lorna’s husband was sent to prison for two years and she told us that the worst part was telling her children. She said: “Everything is destroyed, your way of life, your security, your finances. You try to keep everything normal but it’s not normal. Listening to your children crying every night asking when their dad is coming home.”

Emma added: “Volunteering in a prison environment can be rewarding for all and is often a valuable experience for younger volunteers who may be considering a career in the justice system. Nepacs volunteers come from all walks of life. If you think you could support someone like ‘Lorna’ by volunteering and would like to be part of a team who helps to make a difference to the lives of prisoners’ families please get in touch or find out more through our website.”

Further details of all volunteer opportunities with Nepacs are on their website or you can email

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