In this period of increasing unemployment, doing business on your own can be more appropriate. While in a job one has to depend on others, in business, people own their own will. The business registration has to be done before starting a business (small scale industry). In this blog, let us know what is the process for registering a business using the swyft filings promo code?
What is a Business Registration?
Whenever a business is started, it is necessary to inform the government. This is also necessary so that it can be made in the government list. The government office can get information. This helps both business and government. While the businessman gets the benefit of the business scheme run by the government, it helps the government to collect tax.
The process of business registration is very easy with swyft filings promo code
Many times, people who start business start to panic that there will be a lot of running around for registration of business or many processes have to be followed. But, this is not completely true. Now the process of business registration has become very easy.
How to register for a business
Before getting a small-scale business registration, it is important to know how many types of registration are required for the business. Following are the types of registration for business and use swyft filings promo code and get the big discounts on your registration :
Registration with District Industries Office
Obtaining a corporation license
Taking NOC from Safety Certificate Department
Obtaining factory/business (small scale) license
GST registration
Registration with District Industries Office
Before starting any small scale industry, it has to be registered with the concerned District Industries Office. Registration of small scale industry in the district industry office means that you have told the government that you are doing self-employment. They are not unemployed. The biggest advantage of registering your business in the district industry office is that any welfare scheme started by the government gets immediate benefits.
To register with the District Industries Office, you will need the following documents:
Aadhar Card
Permanent address proof
Name and type of the business you are starting
Name and proof of the place where the business will start
Certificate of income (source of income)
What is a corporation license and how is it formed?
A corporation license is created after registration in the district industry. The license to become the first to start a business is called a corporation license. Getting a certificate from the corporation means that you can start your business now. Talking about the application for corporation license, it can be done both online and offline.
Where is a corporation license made? This may be the question of many businessmen. The answer will be the corporation license is made in the Municipal Corporation, Development Authority or District Industries Office. This license is made on the fact that what small industries you are going to start will be serviced or manufactured, what machines will be installed? And so on.
The following paper documents are required to get a corporation license:
Copy of registration with the District Industries Office.
Copy of ownership of where the small scale industry will start. If the place is on rent then copy its rent.
Copy of plan of small scale industry – Name and details of the machines which will be used in it
License fee
It is to be noted here that any small scale industry can be started only in the industrial or conforming area, so keep in mind that whenever you apply for business registration, the place should be industrial or conforming area. If not, the application is rejected.
Obtaining NOC from the Safety Department
The safety of the people who work in any small scale industry is first. The government has implemented this security system to protect the workers. It is mandatory to obtain a Non-Object Certificate (NOC) from the Fire and Safety Department within three months of starting any business.
In order to take a NOC, the person concerned has to tell about the fire prevention measures in their small scale industry. The number of fire fighting machines has to be shown.
Small Scale / Factory / Business License
It is also known as the license of the Chief Inspector of Factories (CIF). The labor department of the district concerned issues this license. Small industries can be started without this license but cannot run for long. To get this license, the concerned businessman needs to show the complete profile of his business to the department.
The following documents are required to get a factory license:
Municipal license.
Environmental Consent Copy – It is released by the Department of Environment. In this, it is written that there will be no harm to the environment from the small scale industry being started.
Copy of the plan of SSI layout.
Fire Department’s NOC.
Flow chart of service/manufacturing process.
Details of the number of employees and profile (mail-female, skilled, semi or unscaled) salary, etc.
Certificate fee
GST registration
When the GST regime was not implemented, there were separate arrangements for the government to collect the tax. But after the implementation of GST, there was a tax system. It is necessary to clarify here that according to the guideline of the government, the registration of GST is required for those businesses in which the annual turnover is more than 40 lakhs.
Business registration can be done in the above manner. In the next blog, you will get information about which business is required to be registered for which business.