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What Makes a Great Business Idea?

ByDave Stopher

Jul 16, 2021 #Business

All businesses involve taking a risk and therefore if you are not a risk-taker then you won’t be able to operate a business. It will continue making gross losses until it finally collapses. For you to come up with a business idea, you must have identified a niche in the market.

Coming up with a business idea is easy but the question is whether the business will thrive or not.

Every business person should consider starting a business in a smart way, particularly with creating a marketing strategy. Marketing makes or breaks business and should be very much a part of the business idea. For instance, it doesn’t matter what idea you got, you need people to know about it so that your business can be fruitful.  Social media, such as YouTube, for example is a great way to increase your outreach. You just need to accumulate some YouTube views. The most common goal is to make a profit from the business. It is therefore important to evaluate whether the idea you have come up with can make a successful business.

Below are some of the tips that will help you know whether the idea you have is great or not:

  1. Is the Idea Grounded in Personal Experience?

It is not only a market niche that will make your business thrive and be successful. Operating a business requires a lot of effort and good business ideas. For you to come up with the ideas, you must have tried or seen them somewhere else.

Coming up with a business idea that you have some personal experience in will have an added advantage to your business. Because you have the experience in it, you know where to start from such starting capital as opposed to someone starting from scratch. It can even save you on some costs such as hiring an expert or a consultant. Having personal experience with the business idea you have can make the idea to be a great one.

2.Do you have Passion and Interest in the Business?

Your passion and interest should also be a factor to consider when evaluating your business idea. It is what will determine the success of your business. Doing something you have an interest in gives you the morale to move forward even when you are facing a lot of challenges. You will not see quitting as an option and also not lose the energy for operating the business.

On the other hand, when you choose a business just because of other factors and neglect your interest then it will finally collapse. You will always see quitting as an option whenever you face a challenge because you don’t enjoy doing it.

  1. Are you Cutting out a Middle Man?

Successful business people come up with ideas that try to solve a problem in society. You need to identify the problem customers face and offer solutions to them. You can also identify where an existing business is not doing well and offer goods and services that can improve the situation.

For example, the customers in a given area may be purchasing items from a long-distance shop. In that case, you can build a shop nearer to the customers. You shall have blocked the customers from walking the long-distance and now purchase from your shop.

     4.Is there an Available Market for Your business

It is the first factor to consider after coming up with a business idea. You need to find out whether living around the place consumes the product you are planning to offer. The availability of the market is what will determine the success of your business.

Another factor you should also consider is the culture and religion of the people leaving around the place you want to start a business. Some cultures and religions do not allow their members to consume certain foods and products. You may lack customers after opening a business if you ignore the religion and religion of people living around you.


Having a great business idea will make your business grow faster than you ever expected. The tips mentioned above can help you know whether your idea is appropriate or not.


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