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What Should You Know Before Filing a Sex Abuse Lawsuit in Houston?

Being a sexual abuse victim is scary and can leave you shattered. Not only do you have to endure the physical injuries but also live with the emotional scars. But you need to understand that the incident is not your fault. And if you live in Houston, there are stringent laws to protect you and punish the perpetrator.

Under section 22.011 of the Texas Penal Code, sex crimes carry first or second-degree felony charges. Acting soon and getting legal representation in time can help you gather favorable evidence.

Call Houston sex abuse lawyers immediately to strengthen your case.

Here is what you should know about sex abuse and filing a lawsuit:

Victims of sexual abuse

Sexual abuse can happen to anyone, irrespective of their age or gender. No matter how vigilant you are, everyone can be a potential victim.

One of the myths of sex abuse is that the predators are strangers. But in reality, sexual assault can happen in the most trusted places, such as schools or by family members.

In 2019, around 98% of the child abuse victims (sexual, physical abuse, neglect, etc.) reported that they knew their perpetrators. And estimates show that 1 out of 10 children in Houston and the rest of the state face sexual abuse before they turn 18.

There is no way you can recognize a sexual predator on sight. They can be anyone from:

Houston sex offenses and effect on victims

Depending on the nature of the crime and the victim’s age, the abuser can be charged with:

Houston civil laws cover many categories of sexual abuse. For instance, you can try sexual battery, inappropriate physical contact, and statutory rape in civil courts. Filing a civil case in Houston can provide the victims with proven therapeutic benefits, along with financial recovery. You can get the instant medical and psychological care required to move forward in life.

No matter the type of crime, sex abuse can be devastating for the victims. They may need years of counseling and therapy to come out of the grief. Filing a lawsuit can help you recover some of the losses and bring the culprit to justice.

Statute of Limitations to file a sex abuse lawsuit in Houston

By 2019, there were around 4,000 sexual assault cases reported in Houston during a 3-year period. And it is estimated that 54% of victims don’t come forward soon enough. Even educated adults holding high-paying jobs downplay the seriousness of the situation or avoid the harasser.

While the statute of limitations helps maintain the integrity of evidence, there are many exceptions for sex crimes in Houston.

The statute of limitations for sex abuse in Texas if the victim is 18 years or above:

If the victim is a minor under 17 years of age:

What to do when you are a victim of sex abuse?

Sexual abuse circumstances differ from case to case. When you are a sex abuse victim, you want to get the best possible legal assistance. Experienced Houston sex abuse lawyers can give you the needed personalized care.

They will:

  1. Evaluate your physical injuries and emotional state
  2. Conduct interviews with witnesses and third parties to build your case
  3. Work with your healthcare provider to assess the range of your treatment
  4. Determine if the abuser has a history of sexual offenses
  5. Conduct interviews with witnesses and third parties who can help build our case
  6. Fight for your rights in a courtroom to give you the best outcome you deserve.
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