North East Connected

What to Consider in Designing a Commercial Office?

From Designing a commercial office to selecting the ideal office furniture, each decision holds the potential to shape the environment in which your team will thrive. In this article, we’ll delve into twelve crucial factors to consider when designing an office space geared towards maximising productivity. Strategic placement of workstations, communal areas, and meeting spaces can significantly impact workflow and collaboration. Equally important is the selection of office furniture that combines both comfort and functionality, supporting your team throughout their workday.

Moreover, fostering productivity goes beyond mere physical elements. Consider incorporating elements of biophilic design to bring nature indoors, promoting a sense of well-being and creativity. Additionally, thoughtfully curated lighting and acoustics play pivotal roles in maintaining focus and reducing distractions. Creating designated spaces for collaboration and privacy strikes a balance between teamwork and individual productivity. Moreover, integrating technology seamlessly into the workspace streamlines processes and enhances efficiency. By meticulously considering these design elements, you can cultivate an office environment that not only meets the practical needs of your team but also inspires innovation and success.

Tips for Designing a Commercial Office

Designing a commercial office requires careful consideration of various factors to create a space that fosters productivity and collaboration. Here are some essential tips for designing a commercial office to optimise layout, furniture selection, and ambiance for a conducive work environment. 

Work in Open Floor Plan

With the shift towards collaborative teamwork gaining momentum, the traditional office cubicles have seen a decline in popularity. In their place, open floor plans have emerged as the preferred choice, fostering a dynamic environment that encourages movement and facilitates interaction among team members. These open layouts typically feature rows of tables and desks, providing colleagues with easy accessibility to one another for seamless correspondence and collaboration. Complementing the workstations are amenities such as community sofas, room dividers, and designated team recreation areas, enhancing the overall functionality and appeal of the workspace.

Avoid Clutter

To tackle office clutter effectively, we’re implementing several measures aimed at enhancing organisation and productivity while also prioritising environmental consciousness. One key step involves the addition of extra storage space and smaller tables to optimise our workspace layout. By creating designated areas for storage, we can minimise clutter on desks and surfaces, promoting a tidier and more efficient work environment. Making the switch to recycling not only reduces waste but also aligns with our corporate values of environmental responsibility.

Natural Lighting

Research indicates a clear relationship between natural lighting in office spaces, employee contentment, and the overall productivity of teams. It’s advisable to position tables and workstations in proximity to windows to optimise this effect. When considering window treatments, opting for sheer blinds instead of blackout blinds can effectively reduce glare and heat while still permitting ample natural light to enter the room. Additionally, incorporating mirrors strategically can further enhance the distribution of natural light in areas where direct access to windows may be limited.

Use of Colours

When designing your office space, it’s crucial to consider the colour theme as it can have a significant psychological impact on productivity. Using lighter shades of blue in your office decor can help create an atmosphere of contentment and focus, conducive to productive work.

Green is one of the colours that promotes productivity, particularly in its lighter shades. It evokes a sense of balance, connection to nature, and stability. 

Additionally, green is gentle on the eyes and requires minimal visual adjustment, making it ideal for employees who spend long hours working. For businesses focused on creativity, incorporating yellow into the office colour scheme can be beneficial. It can help stimulate innovative thinking and foster a dynamic work environment. 

Conference Rooms

To boost productivity in the workplace, establishing designated conference rooms is crucial. The number of these rooms should be determined by considering both the size of the company and the individual department sizes. This ensures that there are adequate spaces available for meetings without overcrowding or shortage issues.

Taking into account the frequency of meetings within the company, it’s essential to have enough conference rooms to accommodate the meeting cadence. This prevents scheduling conflicts and ensures smooth operations. Implementing a conference room booking system can help manage reservations efficiently, reducing confusion and streamlining the booking process for teams. You can also hire an Office Interior Designer in Hyderabad for a productive and effective workspace design.


Designing a commercial office space involves a careful balance of various elements to create an environment that fosters productivity and collaboration. From strategic floor plans and furniture selection to incorporating elements of biophilic design and optimising lighting and colour schemes, each aspect plays a crucial role. By prioritising organisation, natural lighting, and the use of colours that promote focus and creativity, businesses can create an office environment conducive to success. Additionally, establishing designated conference rooms and implementing efficient booking systems can streamline meeting processes, further enhancing productivity.

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