There are many situations where motorists might require temporary car insurance. It is helpful to have a strong understanding of this type of insurance before you need it so that you know how to get suitable coverage quickly (many situations arise where you need coverage quickly). Keep reading for all you need to know about temporary car insurance.
Understanding Temporary Car Insurance
So, what exactly is temporary car insurance? This is a type of coverage that can range from just one hour through to 28 days. This can provide a flexible solution compared to traditional car insurance. There will be criteria that you need to meet to qualify for temporary car insurance, including being 21 years old and having held your license for a certain period of time (usually a minimum of 6 months).
Benefits of Temporary Car Insurance
Temporary car insurance provides a high level of flexibility that makes it a great solution in many challenging situations. This can include situations such as borrowing a friend’s vehicle, test-driving a potential new car, or going on a road trip where the driving will be split up. By getting coverage for the specific amount of time you need, it is cost-effective compared to traditional car insurance.
Another benefit of temporary car insurance is that you can preserve your No Claims Discount (NCD). This policy is separate from your current annual insurance policy, so your NCD will not be affected if a claim has to be made. In addition to this, temporary car insurance can be incredibly quick and easy to arrange. You can often get approved in a matter of minutes, which is ideal when you find yourself in an unexpected situation where you need cover.
How to Choose the Right Temporary Car Insurance
There are a few important considerations when choosing a temporary car insurance policy. You will need to consider how long you need coverage for – some insurers offer discounts for longer coverage, so you should compare your options.
The cost of temporary car insurance can vary between different providers, so you should compare different providers but pay close attention to the small print and what is and isn’t included. You should also think about extras you might require, such as European cover or breakdown assistance.
Temporary car insurance is a great solution for times when you need cover for anything from an hour through to 28 days. There are many situations where you might need short-term coverage, so temporary car insurance gives you flexibility and is more cost-effective than taking out an annual policy. In addition to this, you can protect your NCD and often get approved in a matter of minutes. Hopefully, this information will be useful and give you confidence if you find yourself in need of temporary cover.