Impressing, exciting, charming — all these adjectives can be used to describe peonies, the lords of the garden. When buds of all colors bloom and the air is saturated with their amazing scent, many gardeners go crazy these flowers. This article contains a selection of our most up-to-date tips on these amazing plants that you should learn and use.
Variety of Species
What are your favorite peonies? With big “bunch” of flowers or ordinary buds? Traditional pink or rare yellow? Well, the genus Peony has 34 species and about 5 000 varieties. You can easily select the right type of flower that will make your garden attractive and then buy peony plants on
Have you considered what specie you want — herbaceous, or interspecific hybrid? So, you have to select the best option, which will please you with their blossom in early summer.
When to Plant and Replant Peonies?
The hot time for sewing peonies is August-September. The flowers planted at this time have time to take root and adapt to the new composition of the soil before the weather gets cold. If you want, you can also plant these flowers in the spring. Remember, cultivating a tree specie is different from transplanting a herbaceous one.
If the plant g bright depends on how closely you follow the prescriptions for caring them:
- You have to follow the common rules for growing peonies;
- Feed the flowers to grow well regularly;
- Understand how to recognize threats and pests and counter them;
- Sound the alarm when they are not blooming and create excellent conditions for them to bloom.
This flower loves sunny areas, so you need to choose a well-lit place for sewing. Too much shade can provoke the formation of small buds, and in some cases — lead to a complete lack of flowering. The only thing that peonies easily tolerate is a lack of shade at noon.
The plant does not make high demands on soils and takes root almost everywhere, but on different types of soil, it develops in completely different ways. It responds best of all to cultivated, and well-moistured soil. It is desirable that at the place of planting peonies, the groundwater lies at a depth of at least 50-70 cm from the surface. If its level is higher, professionals recommend artificially raising flower beds or equipping drainage channels around them.
In Conclusion
Now you know that caring for peonies is not a big deal. If everything is done correctly and on time, these plants will please you with lush and pretty blossom. Every gardener of fragrant peonies is upset by the fact that their blooming time is short. In the best case, you can notice blooming from late May to early July if different varieties are planted in a flower bed. However, with these plants, you will be provided with aesthetic pleasure all summer long!