SEVEN talented youngsters have been recognised for creating a tutorial video signposting people to the Local Offer website. This provides information and advice about services for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.
The young people, who are all pupils from a media group at Kirkleatham Hall School, were awarded with certificates and gift vouchers for their production at a recent event at Tuned In!
The idea of the video, which has had sign language and subtitles added to support hard of hearing viewers, came from a focus group involving All Age Disabilities teams, Families Information Service, Early Years, Clinical Commissioning Groups, educational providers, parents and carers.
The group then approached Kirkleatham Hall School and asked for their pupils to make the video which took 10 weeks to film and create.
The creators are: Daniel Stringer, Daniel Largan, James Clancy, Cain Mccusker, Liam Mills, Carl Simpson and Dylan Bonner.
Cllr Craig Hannaway, cabinet member for children at Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council said:
“We are incredibly proud of these talented pupils for creating such an informative and useful video.
“It is important that we continue to look for and provide such opportunities where young people in our borough can really shine, as is the case here. They really have done a fantastic job.”
The Local Offer site is hosted on PIN – People’s Information Network in Redcar and Cleveland – and can be accessed here: under “SEND – Local Offer”.