PDF has become the internet’s most defining tool in the current era for smooth usability and security. It will be with us after we are long gone.
How did it become popular? Let us check out the reasons below:
Solving the Problem of Readability
In its early days, the PDF fixed a basic but important problem: it looked exactly the same everywhere, I mean in every device. This is actually why PDF is an acronym of Portable Document Format. This was the time when cross-device font recognition was the big problem for the world.
This was the first format that was shared easily electronically with original retained elements. If someone sends the pdf file, he has full confidence that the receiver can read the file easily and it is secured as well.
Today it is common that cross-device readability has not remained a big deal as it seems trivial in today’s digital world.
Introduced as Electronic and Digital Standard
PDF did not do well because of its complex prowess; it prevailed later, thanks to Adobe’s strategic efforts.
The fact is, there are good justifications for exactly why other contending formats were technologically better than the PDF. There’s also some argument as to whether the PDF format was genuinely the first format that saved a document’s original format. In either case, the Pdf didn’t have great results because of time to promote its technological brilliance.
This format was publicly introduced in June ’93 to small fanfare. Acrobat (helping people to create Pdf files) was initially priced at $700,and Adobe charged $60 for Adobe Reader.
On the other hand, the company found that charging for the adobe reader was a strategic misstep,so they made this product free in the same year. By offering Adobe Reader free of cost (contrary to the competitors), the PDF rapidly gained the big market share.
By 1999, more than 80 million copies of Adobe Reader had been delivered electronically on the internet, and the PDF grew to become a global standard.
These days, there are billions of PDF documents around the world, and the supporting habitat built around the PDF format guarantees that it’ll keep the pre-eminent format for reading files for a long time.
Today the most convenient and fast tool to create, read, edit and convert pdf files is soda pdf, which has now simplified the requirements of the fast-paced digital world.
Vision ofJohn Warnock’s (Adobe’s Founder)
The initial technological advancements came to exist as an additional project run inside Adobe by John Warnock, the company’s founder.
His dream was to provide the modern technology that would eventually enable the digital workplace to efficiently, in other words, a paperless office.
In the Camelot Project, a report describing Warnock’s vision, he said:
“We want to provide people with a technology that could easily send full graphics and text files (magazines,articles technical manuals, eBooks, newspaper and so forth.) over email distribution systems. Most of these written documents could be read on any device,and any selected file could possiblybe printed. This particular ability would certainly change the way important information is managed.”
This vision and plan wereabout creating a Portable File Format, helping the world reduce its dependency on paper.