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5 Ways To Successfully Market Your Business Online


Aug 13, 2021

From searching for high search volume keywords to using different platforms to showcase your products and services, digital marketing has become something of a giant since the early days of the internet. Since we are the product of an instant gratification era, it’s really hard to make businesses understand that even online marketing takes time. 

Whether you choose rankings on Google SERP or an ecommerce platform to direct your digital marketing or social media marketing efforts, the point is that as long as you are providing value and you are consistent, you will flourish. Another important thing to consider in this case is to have an accurate customer data platform to direct your efforts in the right direction. To get you started, here are five ways you could start building up your business online:

1.Give something valuable to the audience

As business owners, we are often struck with the option to post about something that says “here, I am selling this, please buy it” or here is a video tutorial or article that might help you for free. Giving out free valuable advice, information or tidbits can give your online business a massive lift. Your audience should see more than just a bunch of ads on your company pages. It is known throughout the advertising industry that in order to connect with your customers, do it on an emotional level. To leverage this, in short sell without selling, try selling indirectly the next time you put up a post or an ad. You don’t need money or a giveaway, it could be anything of value from your experience.

2.Develop a relationship with your customers

Developing a long term relationship with your customers is vital to any business but it’s not an easy feat. Small things such as shooting them an email on their birthday or if you can, giving them a call would be even better. Giving your most income clients special discounts, coupon codes etc. to make them feel they are valued is another way. Acknowledging some of your special customers on social media would also be an indirect marketing tactic. Email marketing can be leveraged in this using Mailchimp, get responses etc. However, remember to not sell at every corner. Keep some of your messages neutral or for the benefit of the customer only. 

3.80-20 rule of high value clients

Companies often market to all the people equally but what is a business’s best friend? Yes, Data. When you have data about where the 80% of business is coming from it becomes easier for you to put in extra effort into the money making side of your business. Direct your ads, email marketing and social media towards 80% of your audience that helps your company make more money rather than the 20%. Remember it’s easier to make a customer buy something again than to create a new customer from scratch. 

4.Leverage the power of influencers

Influencer marketing has only been around for a few years but the power of it is undeniable. Reaching out to bloggers on different social platforms such as facebook, linkedin, twitter, instagram etc where you can add value to their work, takes your business to a new level. Not only posts and stories on social media but leverage guest posting on popular blogs as well. This way you will create a reputation of an authentic business and the influx of the crowd will increase from both ends. The guest post and the followers of the influencers

5.Be active on Social media

Have you ever come across someone who talks about SEO but all they do is drop spammy links? Well, we all know one but that’s not the correct way to do SEO. If you are serious about marketing your business online, you have to contribute to industry related forums, talks etc on blogs, social media etc authentically. Participate in the discussions rather than spamming your link. Just like we said earlier, learn to sell without selling. This is one of the ways where you do the least initial effort and get the most return. Sure, mention your website but not at every turn and every conversation. 

The bottom line is marketing your business online involves a lot of testing and trying before you settle on a few techniques that work for your business. As long as you are passionate and are adding value, people will notice and buy from you. Be sure to tell us about some of the techniques that have worked for you in taking your business to the next level.


By admin