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How Is Blockchain Disrupting The Healthcare Industry?

ByDave Stopher

Jan 3, 2021


Blockchain is a unique network of recording data with unhackable security features. A blockchain is a distributed ledger and stores information in the form of data entry. Shared information is distributed over the entire Blockchain network.

There are numerous transactions in every blockchain, and each time a new deal is done on the blockchain, a record of that particular deal is added to every party’s ledger. Blockchain is the kind of DLT where deals are registered with an unchangeable cryptographic impression called a hash. You can know more about hash before Investing in Bitcoin.

Why Are People Talking About Blockchain?

People have tried their best to develop a decentralized currency. After several attempts, they were able to come up with Cryptocurrencies.

The factors supporting Cryptocurrencies is trust in their existence. For instance, if a random person creates a new currency called ‘Follars,’ how can people trust that someone won’t give himself a million ‘Follars’ or steal your ‘Follars’ for themselves?

Bitcoin was established to solve this issue by making use of such a database as a blockchain. Standard databases like the SQL database have some person always in charge who can alter the entries. (For example, giving themselves a hundred thousand ‘Follars’).

Nobody is in charge of blockchain, which is why it is so unique; it is administered by the people who use it; add to that, bitcoins can never be duplicated, hacked, or stolen – so people who possess such money can believe that it has a value.

How Is Blockchain Disrupting The Healthcare Industry?

The spectacular and sudden rise of bitcoin has made the world of blockchain very strong. News of people becoming multi-millionaire and people losing money has been all over the news. But the good thing is the common public has also started to see the real potential of blockchain. They have come to terms with the fact that it has to do more to it than just helping shrewd crypto investors get rich.

Is Blockchain Disrupting The Healthcare Industry?

It can be reasonably assumed that the healthcare industry faces the most significant risk of disruption from the blockchain. The Healthcare industry constitutes a massive chunk of the economy.

According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services reports, the healthcare industry will cover almost 20% of the national economy of the United States by 2025. And it goes without saying that the health care sector has a powerful effect on the citizens’ quality of life. How can blockchain be controlled to disrupt and improve the healthcare industry over the next few years?

Usability Of Increasing Medical Record

Long gone are the days when there were massive file rooms with a folder for every patient mentioning their names and every medical detail. According to the Modern Healthcare report, around 96% of hospitals keep electronic medical record-keeping systems.

These electronic records have replaced the files and folders that came ages back. Still, EMR will face significant trouble as they are seldom incompatible and specific to a particular institution.

According to MIT Technology reports, there are 26 different EMR systems used across hospitals in Boston. Each shows additional data, which indicates that some severe compatibility issues make it very inconvenient. Still, it is quite frightening to stop the flow of information needed to save a patient’s life.

Nano Vision

Nano vision could be one such innovation that could change the game by miles; it can keep its blockchain ecosystem by minting a dedicated cryptocurrency on the data-gathering chips. These nano tokens can be sold and bought like cryptocurrencies and create a nano economy. Users can allot funds to research what’s essential, particularly to them.


The two significant hurdles to overcome are infrastructure development and privacy issues. They are tough to overcome but certainly not impossible. They are trying very hard to explore the best possible way this revolutionary technology can be used. One of such innovators is the nano vision.