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North East Connected

Hopping Across The North East From Hub To Hub

A big picnic to say a big thank you

ByDave Stopher

Jun 22, 2018

Autism support charity Daisy Chain said a big thank you to volunteers and supporters with a big picnic on the farm to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of the charity.

In 2003 founder Lesley Hanson set up Daisy Chain to provide a haven for families affected by autism.

Today, 15 years on, the charity has grown to now support 2,000 families in the Tees Valley, 300 children each week as well as 37 adults on the autistic spectrum relying on the generous support of volunteers and donors to offer these services including players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

Daisy Chain has continued to develop its services and facilities throughout the years. Lesley died in 2004 but the charity ensures her legacy lives on.

Throughout June, Daisy Chain is asking local businesses, shops, community groups, offices, workplaces, friends and many more to get involved and hold a picnic to help raise funds. It could be any theme, indoors or outdoors.

Newcastle Building Society branch managers held a Teddy Bear’s Picnic at Daisy Chain before spending the afternoon volunteering at the Farm.

While young people at a Saturday activity day also joined in the fun.

There’s still time to sign up to hold a picnic on the Daisy Chain website at https://www.daisychainproject.co.uk/Pages/Category/daisy-chain-big-picnic