North East Connected

4 Top Tips for Scoring a Place at University

For many, university is a destination to be aspired to, and the journey of getting there can seem like a long one.

If you want to ensure you score a place at your dream university, here are some top tips and tricks to help you get there.

1.      Sort A Revision Timetable

Revision timetables are an amazing tool for helping you to break down your revision load. Looking at all your subjects at once can feel overwhelming, so creating a timetable can help to reduce stress and organise your time more efficiently.

To do this, break down each subject into equal chunks, and ensure to make your timetable varied so that you can remain focused on the task at hand.

2.      Engage in Tuition

Tuition can be a fantastic way to highlight which areas you may be struggling with in your subject areas, and how to improve. Liaising with experienced tutors can help you get on track for the grades you need to achieve a place.

Tuition services like U2 Tuition are perfect for aiming high and coming out top. With a range of experienced highly educated mentors who have a passion for teaching, you’ll be in safe hands for your final exams.

3.       Find the Best Learning Method for You

It’s a well known fact that everybody learns differently, so ensuring that you can revise according to which method works best for you is essential.

Whether you’re a kinaesthetic, visual or auditory learner, using those skills to your advantage can help you retain information for longer, and make revision less tedious and more fun!

To help you figure out which style of learner you are, The Open University has a helpful questionnaire that can help you decide and figure out how to apply this to your revision time.

4.      Change Your Lifestyle

If you find you’re struggling to focus, it may also have something to do with your lifestyle. To stay on top of your studying game, make sure you’re getting a sufficient amount of sleep every night (eight hours if possible), and overhaul your diet.

It’s tempting to reach for sugary high energy foods during times of high stress, but this can lead to brain fog and fatigue.

Instead you might want to chow down some complex carbohydrates, protein to keep you fuller for longer, and plenty of fruit and vegetables. If you need some inspiration, Sainsburys offer a selection of nutritious and delicious recipes aimed at those revising for exams.

Before an exam, try eating a banana and drinking plenty of water, as the slow energy release and hydration will help you during longer exam periods, or on a day where you have multiple exams back to back.


Do you have any tips for securing a place at university? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

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