BOTOX is easily one of the most popular injectable cosmetics in the world. A safe, purified version of the botulinum type A toxin, this solution has the power to instantly release dynamic wrinkles across the visage. For patients with frown lines, crow’s feet, or perioral wrinkles that radiate outwards from the lips, BOTOX offers a quick and relatively long-lasting solution. With treatments that typically take just 15 to 20 minutes to complete, minimal risk of side effects, and minimal downtime, BOTOX injections are the perfect way to freshen up your face ahead of any big event. However, to get the best results from these procedures, it’s important to know what not to do after your BOTOX injections are done.
How and Why BOTOX Works
Your skin is supported by a smooth, unblemished layer of collagen. This collagen also defines the surface of your skin. As long as it maintains its structural integrity, you won’t have to contend with fine lines and wrinkles. Unfortunately, repeated use of your expressive muscles gradually causes this collagen to crack. Over time, the stress caused by regular expressive facial movements undermines your collagen’s integrity. As cracks appear in your skin’s underlying collagen layer, crow’s feet, frown lines, and other dynamic creases will manifest across your visage. The good news is that dynamic wrinkles are only visible when the muscles responsible for causing them are engaged. BOTOX prevents these muscles from engaging by temporarily blocking the nerve signals that control them.
Why Precision Is So Important With BOTOX Injections
Despite being the gold-standard for injectable cosmetics that are used for the treatment of dynamic facial wrinkling, the quality of results with BOTOX is largely reliant upon skillful application. This is actually true for any injectable cosmetic, including those that are used for the treatment of static wrinkles at the mid-face area. The overarching goal with all nueromodulators like BOTOX is to only limit movement in key facial muscles. This preserves patients’ ability to continue making many realistic-looking facial expressions. When too much BOTOX is inserted, or when BOTOX is allowed to migrate out of the treatment area, the temporary relaxation of facial muscles can spread. This can leave people looking frozen, emotionless, and unnatural overall. With skillful insertion and careful aftercare, BOTOX can effectively turn back the hands of time while remaining virtually undetectable.
Preventing the Migration of Injectables After Treatment
BOTOX is widely valued for its convenience. These treatments can often be completed in under 20 minutes, and patients can resume most of their normal activities once their procedures are done. However, all injectables pose the risk of migration. This is especially true when copious amounts of an injectable are used during treatment, and when patients are overactive immediately after. Although skillful application can ensure both the minimization or removal of dynamic wrinkles and the preservation of adequate facial movement, rigorous activity immediately after a procedure can undermine a practitioner’s efforts. With rigorous movement or aggressive agitation of the treatment area, some of this neurotoxin may move to unintended locations. BOTOX migration after treatment can limit the efficacy of the neuromodulator in the targeted location and cause numbness, lack of mobility, and expression loss in other areas.
Limit Physical Exercise
Although you can immediately resume many of your everyday activities following treatment, some of your daily routines should be put on hold. Intense exercise and heavy sweating are two factors that can diminish your treatment results by disrupting the performance of BOTOX and causing it to migrate. To prevent these things, postpone your next visit to the gym for at least two days. However, you can spend time exercising your face. BOTOX patients are often advised to spend time during the earliest stages of their recoveries moving the treatment area by repeatedly making exaggerated facial expressions.
Limit Heat Exposure
Much like intense, high-movement exercise, excess heat can cause BOTOX to migrate into unintended areas outside of the targeted treatment zone. Moreover, excess heat can additionally disrupt the nerve-blocking processes of the botulinum toxin. Thus, you should avoid time in the sauna, hot tub, or tanning bed. It is even a good idea to limit your time spent in direct sunlight.
Don’t Massage or Agitate the Treatment Area
Much like intense exercise and other forms of aggressive movement, massaging, exfoliating, or otherwise agitating the treatment area can also lead to BOTOX migration. The full range of improvements from a BOTOX treatment are unlikely to manifest right away. However, manually stimulating the treatment zone will not expedite their appearance. Many people see marked decreases in dynamic facial wrinkling immediately after their procedures. Additional improvements will usually be seen over the next five to seven days. Patience is important. Attempting to activate or circulate BOTOX by massage is always a mistake. It is far better to relax and let the product work on its own schedule.
Limit Your Use of Makeup and Other Topical Applications
Intentional massaging or agitation of the treatment area is easy to avoid. When patients understand the drawbacks of inciting BOTOX migration, they’re far less likely to interfere with the gradual manifestation of treatment results. However, certain everyday activities can result in the unintentional agitation of the treatment area including washing the face and applying makeup. For the first 48 hours after a BOTOX procedure, it’s generally best to limit the use of makeup or avoid it entirely. Skincare should be performed cautiously, carefully, and with an emphasis on protecting the treatment zone. Exfoliation and other forms of facial stimulation that are part of the normal skincare routine should be put on hold. Moreover, when washing and rinsing the face, it’s essential to remember the importance of limiting direct exposure to high heat. The face should be washed and rinsed with cool water and with mild cleansing solutions. It should be gently patted dry rather than rubbed with an abrasive towel.
BOTOX treatments are known for being quick and relatively hassle-free. In fact, countless patients have these procedures performed on their lunch breaks. Aside from slight bleeding, bruising, and swelling, you won’t have any painful or incredibly disruptive aftereffects to contend with. However, to ensure the success of your BOTOX procedure, it’s important to take it easy for the first 48 hours after treatment. For best results, always avoid agitating the treatment area, heavy exercise, abrasive skincare practices, and exposure to high temperatures.