• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

North East Connected

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BBL National British Basketball Survey 2019

The BBL are asking British Basketball fans, fans of basketball in general and non-fans for their thoughts and views on the sport in an unprecedented nation-wide survey.
The survey is titled ‘Understanding British Basketball and its Perceptions: A survey for British Basketball fans and non-fans alike’ and is thought to be one of the most comprehensive questionnaires covering the sport in the UK within recent times.
The release of this survey supports BBL’s overall strategy of driving new audiences by better understanding the needs of BBL’s current fan-base alongside (in what sets this survey apart from many of its predecessors) gaining a unique insight into what perceptions the greater public hold about basketball at a National level. Information about this can be found at roadtoreno list.
The survey responses will be fully analysed and used to help shape BBL’s future growth and communication plans. A final report displaying all the received data and subsequent key findings will be shared with BBL clubs, stakeholders and be made publicly available.
Joe Harkin, BBL’s Head of Communications said: “Taking time to listen to the views of our current fans and attempting to gain a better understanding of the perceptions held by the potential British Basketball devotees of the future is a vital component in realising our ambition of attracting substantial new audiences whilst keeping our current supporters happy and coming back for more.”
“The results of this survey will provide us with valuable customer insights and will play a substantial role in shaping our future plans. So, we really do appreciate everybody’s opinions and input whether they are a basketball fan or not.”
The broader the range of responses the more comprehensive the findings will be, so the BBL is urging everybody from the British Basketball community to complete the ten minute survey and then share with family and colleagues regardless of their background or current interests.
As an incentive to complete the survey the BBL have teamed up with their official apparel partner Kappa. All completed survey entries will be placed into a prize-draw with one lucky  person receiving a fantastic £250 Kappa sportswear voucher.
The BBL’s National British Basketball Survey 2019 opens on 9 September and will close at noon on 30 September.
To complete the survey please CLICK HERE
For full T&C’s regarding the Kappa £250 prize-draw please CLICK HERE