• Thu. Oct 24th, 2024

North East Connected

Hopping Across The North East From Hub To Hub

How Blood Bikers are Heroes of the NHS

We consider having the time to get out on our motorbikes as a treat, something that we would save for the weekend. It’s a chance to get out on the open road and blow away the cobwebs at our leisure. However, it’s a very different story for Blood Bikers, a vital community of volunteers who carry urgent medical supplies across the country.

Blood Bikers are something special; they drive around busy, narrow streets to deliver blood supplies, as well as platelets and breast milk to those who need them. They primarily work during the night as stand-ins for daytime NHS workers, although they are responsive around the clock.

Research carried out by the National Association of Blood Bikes shows there are 27 individual groups across the Britain. Totalling a number of 2,870 unpaid volunteers working towards the common goal; to deliver vital supplies to hospitals when they are needed most. In fact, in 2015, UK Blood Bikers answered over 39,000 requests from the NHS. In 2013, this figure stood 4,000 lower at 35,000, clearly illustrating how growing NHS pressure is making Blood Bikers increasingly important.

Custom Lids, a North East motorcycle helmet explains more about the good work these bikers are doing.

How Blood Bikers benefit the NHS

Keeping the costs down for the National Health Service is a top priority. In a world where it seems like costs are continually on the up, Blood Bikers deliver a completely free service to the NHS. Without them, the health organisation would have to pay taxis and couriers to transport the supplies, adding extra costs to the NHS’s already long list of expenses.

If the NHS was to use taxis for the transportation for supplies, it wouldn’t be the taxi company’s main focus. If there are life-threatening situations where hospitals are depending on these vital supplies to save lives, the NHS can’t afford to be queued up behind nightclub drop-offs and home pick-ups. Time is of the essence and urgency is required — something Blood Bikers deliver.

The size of a car or van could be an issue on the British roads. Unlike Blood Bikes, they’re more likely to get caught up in congestion on British roads, which could delay the arrival even further.

Donations are important!

Blood Bikers are essential in today’s society and we appreciate everything that they do for the NHS. Because they provide their services for free, Blood Bikers are 100% reliant on donations, whether from public fundraising activities to contributions from charitable groups and local companies.

In some cases, Blood Bikers have to provide themselves with their own uniform although important items are supplied by the group. However, this is an additional expense that could impact the charity’s performance. As such, many companies offer discounts for Blood Bikers to reduce costs and maintain this vital service.

Blood Bikes do have high visibility markings that match ambulances so that the public can easily identify them. Their markings have been modified to offer increased protection from adverse weather conditions and increased luggage capacity for their vital supplies. Personal bikes cannot be used.

We are all thankful that these bikers are providing their own time to support a great cause – they are an inspiring group of people. Whether you become a biker yourself or donate to this worthwhile cause, show your support for your local Blood Bikers today — who knows, you could rely on them one day.

You have the ability to make a difference. To donate to your local group, visit the Nationwide Association of Blood Bikes website to find the contact information you need.

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