North East Connected

Building Your Dream Bedroom

If you are ready to take on the responsibility and work that it takes to create your dream bedroom, there are few things that you need to make sure that you remember before you get started, and a few things that you need to remember when you are in the process of redoing your bedroom. These things are necessary if you want to end up with the bedroom that you have been fantasizing about for as long as you can remember. All of the fine details and the end result are all up to you and what you want from this dream bedroom, but use this helpful guide to walk you through the steps before you get started.

Make sure you have an appropriate mattress size

When you are putting together your dream bedroom you want to remember two things when thinking about mattresses:

You want to make sure that the size of the mattress is appropriate for the size of the room. If your dream is to have a mattress that takes up all of the space that you have in your bedroom, this is something that you can do. But if you want to have room to decorate or place in more furniture, you have to measure out any mattress that you are looking at.

You also want to make sure that you are giving yourself enough room on the mattress. While a twin-size mattress can find an adult comfortably, is that really the mattress size that you want to choose if you can fit a bigger bed in the room?

Paint the walls the right color

When putting together your dream bedroom, you should let yourself be creative with the wall color, but don’t do something that is going to give you a bad effect. You want to make sure that you choose either a pale and pastel color or a dark and moody color. The best colors for bedrooms are maroon, blue, yellow, and purple. Anything outside of this can cause your mind to scatter and put you in a bad or uncomfortable mood when going to sleep and waking up.

Decorate with framed photos, but not too many

You want to have some photos on the wall. They can be of anything that you want them to be, but you should never leave your walls blank. It can be bad for creativity in your life, and in your dreams, if you leave things blank around the home. Give yourself a little bit of inspiration by hanging up a photo of the beach, the sunset on the mountains, or a picture with friends at a party. Any and all of these things can be helpful to you.

Get a bedspread that matches your pillows

When you get a bed set for your new mattress, you want to make sure that the pillows that you have around your room match it. I’m not only talking about the pillows that you have on your bed, but also the pillows that you might have on a beanbag chair, a sofa, or a desk chair that you have in your room. If you want things to be tied together nicely, this is a necessary step.

Get a rug that matches your curtain

If you have a curtain, you want to use this same method. You want to find a rug that matches the curtain. While it isn’t necessary to buy a rug or a curtain specifically so that it matches something in your room, it does help bring things together. It will also help if the theme of your curtain and rug are the same as the bed and pillows, but that is entirely up to you and how you wish to decorate your living space.

Add color but not too much of it

You want to have color. Your bed, your pillows, your curtain, or the photos on your wall need to have some sort of color. Don’t be afraid to experiment with colors. You can and should have as many colors as you can squeeze into this space without it being a color overload. To avoid color overload, try to stick to as many colors as there are in the rainbow. If you go over that base number, then you might have too many colors.

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