• Tue. Dec 3rd, 2024

North East Connected

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Care leavers in custody contribute to review of children’s social care

The final report of the independent review of children’s social care was published on Monday 23 May 2022.

North east charity Nepacs are very proud to have worked with the researchers to enable young men in prison who have experience of being in care to contribute and have their say.

The Nepacs care leaver project team, based at HMP Deerbolt, were able to support the review, enabling the review team to speak to young care experienced residents in the prison.

The review teams said that “their honesty and insight was invaluable”, and Nepacs are particularly pleased to see comments and case studies from the young men featured in the report.

The young men who took part felt empowered due to the researchers coming into speak with them and ask their opinion. Two of the young men said:

“It feels really good that someone is interested in my experiences and opinion on being in care.”

“It would be good if by sharing our experiences it will help others in the future get more support.”

You can find the final report and accompanying documents (including a toolkit for children and young people, documents explaining the review’s recommendations in more detail, cost benefit analysis and findings from deep dive visits to local authorities) at: www.childrenssocialcare.independent-review.uk/Final_report

The government has also issued a press release and statement in response to the review’s final report here: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/fundamental-shift-in-childrens-social-care-set-out

Find out more about the support provided by Nepacs to care leavers in and after custody on their website (www.nepacs.co.uk) and details of their care leaver awareness training available at www.bookwhen.com/nepacs

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