A national campaign to promote awareness of mental health issues is being championed by North Yorkshire County Council this month.
This year’s national Mental Health Awareness Week (15 to 21 May) celebrates the importance that the relationships in our lives have in adding to our wellbeing, and protecting and sustaining our mental health.
“Improving mental wellbeing and supporting people who need help is a key priority for North Yorkshire County Council,” said County Councillor Clare Wood, North Yorkshire’s Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Health Integration.
“It’s important for us to take part in awareness-raising campaigns about mental health: one in four of us will experience poor mental health in our lifetime. The remainder of us will almost certainly know someone with mental health issues.
“Our mental health strategy – called Hope, Control and Choice – sets out our vision and priorities for mental health services, created in collaboration with users of those services. We know that people want services close to where they live, and more emphasis on wellbeing – on approaches that help them to avoid becoming ill in the first place. This is what we are working with our partners to develop and provide.”
North Yorkshire County Council and the NHS jointly fund a mental health out-of-hours telephone helpline service that provides emotional support, signposting and referral into other services for individuals and for the carers of people experiencing mental distress. People who need advice, support or help can call the dedicated number, 0333 0000 309, to speak to a friendly and understanding adviser.
“Our mental health strategy has been drawn up in genuine partnership with the people who use mental health services and those who care for them,” added Cllr “Wood. “It sets out the commitment of the County Council and its partners to work together so that the people of North Yorkshire have the resilience to enjoy the best possible mental health and to live their lives to their full potential, whatever their age and background, supported by effective, integrated and accessible services across all sectors.”