North East Connected

Darlington care service rated ‘good’

19040Victoria House in Darlington, part of the Danshell Group, has been praised by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) for its high standards of care following a recent inspection.

The home, which provides care and support for up to five people with a learning disability, was rated ‘Good’ in all the areas inspected by the regulator.

The inspector noted that ‘people told us they were happy with the care and support at Victoria House and we saw the service was supporting people well to lead active and fulfilling lives within their community’. The report also stated that ‘the service encouraged people to maintain their independence. People were supported to be involved in the local community as much as possible and were supported to independently use public transport and in accessing regular facilities such as the local G.P, shops and leisure facilities’.

Staff were also praised, with the inspector saying that, ‘staff knew how to recognise and report abuse. Staffing levels were good and were built around the needs of the people who used the service’ and ‘it was clear from our observations and from speaking with staff they had a good understanding of people’s care and support needs. Wherever possible, people were involved in making decisions about their care and independence was promoted. We saw people’s privacy and dignity was respected by staff’.

Danshell operates 19 services in England, all of which are rated ‘Good’, including Redlands in Darlington, which also provides care and support for adults with a learning disability.

Andrew Murray, Chief Executive of Danshell Group, said: “At Danshell we believe that everyone should be treated as a full and valued member of their community with the same rights as everyone else. We support individuals living with a learning disability to achieve their own personal aspirations and goals.

“Our focus is on the improvement of the health and well-being of service users, developing trusting relationships and attaining positive outcomes. We are committed as a group to implement the principles of the Transforming Care Strategy through our unique Personal PATHS care model.

“The positive reports from the regulator are testament to the hard work of the staff at all our Darlington services.”

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