Ryedale residents are being asked to add their views on plans for devolution of powers from Central Government to Yorkshire.
Central Government is offering places in England – including local authorities in Yorkshire – the chance to have greater responsibility and control over decisions and spending in their region.
This process of transferring powers and decisions which would usually be taken by central Government to a more local level or regional level is called devolution.
Now Ryedale residents can add their views to the plans through an online consultation launched today (24 August)
Cllr Linda Cowling, Leader of Ryedale District Council, said: “ Devolution is a great opportunity for Ryedale but it is vital that we get this right – both economically and governance-wise.
“The views of the residents of Ryedale are important in this process and we want to ensure that any new devolution plans put in place have public support and deliver the best deal for Ryedale.”
Currently Ryedale is part of the York, North Yorkshire and East Riding Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) which reflects the district’s economic and transport geography. However, discussions are ongoing about the potential for a devolution deal for wider area, including other parts of Yorkshire.
Ryedale District Council is committed to supporting local business and ensuring we have diverse and high quality employment opportunities, with improved infrastructure. By working closely with the LEP , extensive efforts to expand the local economy and deliver housing for local people are already having positive results including funding for major employment opportunities such as the new Food Enterprise Zone and relocatedLivestock Market at Old Malton, 800 new jobs at the National Agri Food Innovation Campus at Sand Hutton and initiatives for improving broadband facilities throughout the district.Many other projects are being brought forward and future funding bids will be submitted.
To add your views please email devolution@ryedale.gov.uk
For further information please go to http://www.ryedale.gov.uk/pages/council-information/news/1707-devolution-what-does-it-mean-for-ryedale.html
Responses need to be with Ryedale District Council by 1 September 2015