The usage of electronic cigarettes is rapidly increasing and there are many users who report that they have been successful in quitting combustible tobacco cigarettes. While e-cigs are usually marketed as the best tool for smoking cessation, the question is whether or not short term usage of e-cigarettes can lead to quitting smoking.
When the researchers evaluated data from their random trials and they combine the results of different studies, there was a different kind of association seen between the use of e-cigarettes and the rates of smoking cessation. The cessation rates in the UK are the highest after more and more people took to vaping. However, before you start vaping and get your first vape pen, it is necessary for you to go through reviews that you find in trustworthy sources like so that you can base your decision on the feedback that they give.
E-cigarettes are nicotine delivery systems
E-cigarettes are also called electronic nicotine delivery systems and they are battery operated devices which deliver nicotine by heating aerosol, the solution which contains nicotine. There are mainly 3 components, a source of power, a heating element and a cartridge which contains the e-liquid. The liquid inside the cartridge contains different levels of nicotine and other flavors in a liquid vehicle. Whenever the user heats the heating element, the liquid aerosolizes and this vapor is inhaled.
E-cigarettes have long been marketed as a healthier and safer alternative to smoking tobacco cigarettes. With time, these days there are more and more adults both in the US and in UK who have taken to vaping e-cigs. Currently, there are several smokers who have reported about cessation and this group comprises of the biggest fraction of users who have already started vaping e-cigs.
How are e-cigs better than tobacco cigarettes?
Electronic cigarettes are in many ways better than tobacco cigarettes and some such ways are:
- They don’t contain tobacco: E-cigs don’t contain tobacco and hence there is no tar or smoke which leads to harm to human health.
- No stained teeth: The tar or the smoke leaves stains on your teeth which give you a clumsy appearance when you laugh or smile. With e-cigs, you won’t have any stains due to lack of tar and smoke.
- No bad odor: When you smoke, there is a bad odor all over your body, so much so that anyone can tell you have smoked. This is not the case with e-cigarettes as the aroma is nice in case of e-liquids.
Therefore, with so many benefits, it is pretty natural that e-cigarettes will eventually reduce the smoking rates to a minimum.