North East Connected

Energy Switch could Reap Big Savings

RESIDENTS of Stockton-on-Tees are being given a chance to make big savings on their energy bills as part of a collective switching scheme.

The Big Community Switch encourages people to unite as a single buying unit, with energy suppliers invited to bid for their custom in an auction process.

The auction is won by the supplier offering the lowest prices, and those prices are then offered to everybody who registered for the switch.

Registration for the scheme, promoted by Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council, is open now, and last year’s scheme helped residents save an average of £222.

Councillor Mike Smith, the Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment and Housing, said: “It only takes a few minutes to register and it could save you a lot of money. There is no cost and no risk.

“Last year we helped one of our residents save more than £700 a year. And since launching it in 2013, we’ve helped residents save a total of almost £100,000.

“The more people we can get to sign-up, the greater our chances are of getting low prices from suppliers.

“There’s no obligation to switch at the end of the process, so there really is nothing to lose and a lot to gain.”

Councillor Smith added: “This is just one of the ways in which we are promoting affordable warmth across the Borough for the benefit of all our residents.”

Registration for the Big Community Switch closes at midnight on Monday, October 10.

For further information on how to register, visit

Residents who need help to register can contact the Stockton District Advice and Information Service – call 01642 633877 to arrange an appointment.

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