North East Connected

Free Business Advice and Support at Business Surgery Event

Screen Shot 2015-11-10 at 13.50.13A FREE business event is being held in Stockton-on-Tees to help SMEs access expert support.

Enterprises with fewer than 250 employees are invited to the special Business Growth Surgery at Fusion Hive, Stockton-on-Tees on Thursday, December 3.

Hosted by Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council it’s a unique opportunity to access financial advice, learn how to develop new ideas and products, boost leadership skills, recruit, export and build networks.

Packaged into a time-efficient morning session, the Business Growth Surgery will give businesses the chance to book one-to-one appointments with a host of leading business experts.

The event – part of the Business Growth Service – aims to help businesses with the right level of ambition, capability and capacity to improve and grow. 

Councillor Bob Cook, Leader of Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council, said: “This event gives local businesses the opportunity to book one-to-one appointments with support organisations to help them grow and become more profitable, all neatly packaged into one morning in one place.” 

The service forms part of the Government’s ‘Business is Great’ campaign, which brings together a broad range of expertise, to give businesses access to the right advice and support to fulfill their growth potential. 

Surgery appointments are available with the following organisations:

GrowthAccelerator helps businesses achieve their growth ambitions by providing tailored coaching, masterclasses and workshops. Coaching areas include specialised investment readiness, access to finance and business development support. Grant funding is also available for leadership and management training. Local representatives on the day will be Mike Cratchley and Joan Louw. Joan is a chartered accountant and works with the Access to Finance strand of the Business Growth Service. Projects under this strand could include a review of working capital finance structures, cash management, exploring financing options to fund growth plans or other areas of financial strategic planning.   

RTC North helps businesses develop new products and take them to market. It offers support throughout the product lifecycle helping clients identify and protect intellectual property, research market potential, fund innovation and win business in the UK and overseas. Information and support is available for key projects including Enterprise Europe Network, Design Network North and NHS Innovations North. Local representatives on the day will be Martin Kelly and Alison Machin.

Manufacturing Advisory Service (MAS) has a 100+ team of Business Growth Managers across England with specific manufacturing expertise. Working with SME manufacturing organisations they help develop long-term strategies, improve processes, bring new products to market and engage with supply chains. Local representative on the day will be Jim Barr.

UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) is the lead Government Department that helps UK-based companies export their products and services overseas. Working across the UK and in more than 100 countries they have a unique ability to support and advise UK companies at home and abroad as well as encouraging overseas-based companies to invest in the UK. Local representatives on the day will be Chris Simpson, Maria Dotsch and John Holmes-Carrington.

Tees Valley Business Compass helps ambitious businesses realise their growth potential by providing relevant and up to date economic information, advice and support, supply chain development, grant funding and investment for expansion and up skilling your workforce. Local representatives on the day will be Stephen Carey and Gillian Baker. Mike Baker from BE group will also be on hand to offer additional grant information.

Teesside University’s newly branded business support service, The Forge, offers businesses a range of services including innovation support, knowledge transfer, consultancy, training and development, talent recruitment, business facilities and access to UK and European networks. Local representative on the day will be Gilly Hall.

The Business Growth Surgery takes place from 9.30am to noon on Thursday, December 3 at Fusion Hive, North Shore Road, Stockton-on-Tees TS18 2NB.

To book a 30-minute one-to-one appointment email and indicate which organisation you wish to meet with. Businesses can book to meet with more than one support organisation.

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