North East Connected

Gateshead residents get knitting

Gateshead residents have been putting their knitting skills to good use to help patients at the Queen Elizabeth hospital.

The residents from Mosspool, a sheltered scheme managed by The Gateshead Housing Company, have been knitting blankets for babies in the special care unit.

After receiving a request from nurses at the hospital for blankets of a specific size, the Mosspool residents stepped up and volunteered their services.

The residents have also been knitting ‘twiddle mitts’ for the hospital’s dementia patients.

Knitting is just one of many creative activities the sheltered scheme offers to keep residents active and prevent social isolation.

Gillian Rogerson, Sheltered Scheme Officer, said: “This project was an excellent opportunity for our sheltered residents to put their creative talents to good use.

“Not only are they helping hospital patients but creative activities like knitting help to keep the residents involved and active. We offer a wide range of activities across our sheltered schemes.”

Mrs Jane Curley, one of the residents who took part in the knitting project, said: “I really enjoyed knitting the blankets for this great cause. It’s good fun taking part in the activities with other residents at Mosspool while helping our local hospital.”

To find out more about the housing company’s services for older people call 0191 433 5356.

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