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North East Connected

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International Attendees Amongst Audience at Annual AGM


Jun 17, 2017

Last week the Chillingham Wild Cattle Association (CWCA) held their annual AGM, presentations and tour which was attended by over 33 members and guests, including international attendees from the USA and France.

The CWCA Association has over 250 members, all absolutely passionate about the preservation of such a distinct and notable herd, which is steeped in history and a real Northumbrian icon.

Following formal proceedings, guests were treated to interesting and informative talk by one of the Association’s Trustees, Professor Stephen Hall.  Stephen discussed the recent scientific studies that have taken place in Chillingham Park. These included looking into the DNA of the famous wild cattle, archaeology and also botanical survey work.

Dr John Fletcher, another trustee, then informed the audience of the ongoing work which is taking place to create a ‘frozen herd’ of embryos.  The aim of this work is to secure the future of this extremely unique herd of wild white cattle.

In the afternoon, all attendees departed to the Cattle Park by tractor and trailer, which enabled all visitors to tour the further reaches of the Park, and to safely get very close to the wild beasts of Chillingham.

Those on the tour visited the hemmel and were given the opportunity to inspect the new shop and an enhanced range of merchandise, which is available to buy on site and also online.  Throughout the tour, Professor Hall provided commentary to keep everyone informed.

Commenting afterwards, Park Manager, Duncan Ord said:  “It was fantastic to have such a great turnout at the AGM.  The support of the trustees and members of the Association is outstanding and certainly bodes well for the future of the cattle.

“We are always happy to welcome new members and so if this is something you might be interested in, do get in touch.”

The CWCA is a charity which was set up in 1939 specifically to preserve the herd, and today its survival is very much dependent upon public interest and support.  Last year the park attracted thousands of visitors from across the globe.  Chillingham Park is currently open to visitors Monday to Friday, as well as Sunday, with tours presented by warden, Ellie, throughout the day.

For more information on the tours, and for opening times, please visit www.chillinghamwildcattle.com.

By Emily