North East Connected

Is your Business GDPR Ready?

THE General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force in the UK next year and all businesses must prepare now for its arrival.

The GDPR is a new legal framework in the European Union and aims to strengthen and unify data protection, giving control back to residents and citizens of the EU over their personal data.

From 25 May 2018, businesses must adhere to new rules and procedures, and given that the Government has confirmed its intention to implement the regulations into UK law, local advisor Hadrian HR is warning companies of all sizes to not ignore the regulation’s implications and put plans into place to prepare for its introduction.

Deb Tweedy, HR consultant at Newcastle-based Hadrian HR, said: “GDPR will affect the running of any organisation, including small businesses who may not have an administration or HR function, so they need to gear up now for the changes coming next year and put systems in place.

“The impact starts with what information must be provided to employees on how their information will be processed, stored and retained. Processors such payroll providers or pension providers will be more accountable in processing business data, and companies will have greater accountability for demonstrating compliance.”

Ahead of the introduction of GDPR, there are certain steps businesses should now take to prepare. Hadrian HR has compiled the following five tips:

With a sound understanding of the GDPR and what it is asking of all businesses, and adequate preparations put in place, businesses in the UK should be able to transition with ease into the new regulation.

If you require further information or advice on GDPR and its implications on your organisation, contact Hadrian HR on 0845 340 0099 or

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