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IVF in Israel

ByDave Stopher

Jun 29, 2020

More and more couples around the world are facing fertility problems. The good news is that you can undergo aimed at restoring fertility treatment abroad, in developed countries. This has become available due to the extensive development of medical tourism. Millions of patients from all over the world undergo treatment abroad annually.

One of the best countries for medical tourism is Israel. IVF in Israel is very effective due to the work of experienced doctors and the availability of modern techniques. In addition, prices for medical tourism in Israel are among the lowest in all countries.

Causes of infertility

To date, many factors have been identified that may affect the reproductive function of men and women. The most common factors are:

  • Chronic inflammatory processes in the female reproductive system.
  • Surgeries on the abdominal and pelvic organs. 
  • Disorders of follicles maturation and exit of eggs from them.
  • Age (the older the woman is, the less likely she is to get pregnant). 
  • Bad habits, such as alcohol consumption and smoking.
  • Incorrect uterus position.

What is IVF?

IVF treatment is fertilization outside the female body: eggs and sperm are removed from the body, fertilization occurs in the laboratory. The fertilized eggs are then placed in an incubator for 5-6 days and then implanted in the uterus. 

In vitro fertilization (IVF) has been widely used all over the world for over 30 years. For many couples, it is the only way to have children. IVF can help even in cases where natural conception is almost impossible.

IVF is indicated in many cases of infertility, which can not be treated – with serious pathologies of uterine tubes, which caused their obstruction and even with their complete absence, a small number of normal sperm, endometriosis, etc.


Before in vitro fertilization, German specialists thoroughly prepare a man and a woman for a planned pregnancy. However, not all women can undergo in vitro fertilization. There are several contraindications:

  • Chronic diseases of the internal organs in the acute stage.
  • Congenital malformations of the uterus.
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Benign and malignant tumors of the uterus and ovaries.
  • Mental disorders.


The IVF procedure requires careful preparation by both a man and a woman before it is performed. More thorough the preparation is, higher the chances of effective conception are. The preparation will include:

  • Complete elimination of alcohol and smoking.
  • Reducing excess weight.
  • Diet should be balanced and rich in vitamins.
  • A few days before the procedure, the couple should abstain from intimate life.
  • Exclusion of intensive sports activities.
  • Saunas, baths, and frequent hot baths should be excluded completely.

The effectiveness of IVF in Israel is very high. Thousands of IVFs are performed each year in Israeli clinics, and many of them are successful from the first attempt. On average, chances of getting pregnant after the first procedure are about 50% – the statistics depends on such factors as the level of the clinic, women’s health state, quality of equipment, as well as many others.

Reasons to choose Israel

The statistics of successful IVF in Israel is the best in the world. This is achieved by experienced doctors and modern equipment in Israeli clinics at the international level. In addition, during your stay at the hospital, highly qualified medical personnel guarantees attention and care.

An important bonus is a fact that prices for medical tourism in Israel are among the lowest in the developed countries, and the quality of treatment in Israel is at the highest level. This method is also used in many countries, but its effectiveness is very low.

How to get treatment abroad?

If both members of your couple agree to undergo the procedure, it is worth looking for a suitable clinic abroad. The medical tourism operator Booking Health can help you find the best hospital in Israel. Over the years, the company has helped hundreds of thousands of couples to undergo treatment abroad.

The main advantage of Booking Health is the low cost of treatment abroad. The company will help in organizing treatment and flight, will provide you with a personal interpreter, will be in touch for the entire period of treatment. Besides, the company specialists will choose the best clinic especially for you.