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Max Polyakov Converted His Kasli Passion Into The Association Noosphere Logo


Mar 27, 2018

Creating a logo for a company is quite a complicated process. Most companies pay huge amounts of money to various agencies that engage in branding for creating company logos that would reflect their entire essence. When developing the logo, experts try to put everything into it: the essence of the company, the company’s goals, its priorities and aspirations, and sometimes even an army of branding specialists (4d past result statistics) can’t create a perfect logo. But sometimes it’s enough to take one look at something tangible to understand that it is the ideal logo that reflects the whole essence of the company. This is exactly the story that happened to Max Polyakov, Association Noosphere cofounder.

The history of the Association Noosphere logo goes back to the 18th century, to the South Ural city Kasli where an Iron Smelting factory was found in 1747.The factory produced high-quality cast-iron but became well-known worldwide because of their masterpieces made of cast-iron. Kasli statuettes were made highly detailed. It is still difficult to imagine how these unique statuettes were created. Despite the absence in those days of the modern technology and equipment that we have today, each statue turned out to be an ideal work of art. It’s hard to even imagine that they are made in conditions of heavy metal production, that’s why even today there are a huge number of collectors and fans of these statuettes, among them is Max Polyakov.

In 1961 the Kasli master Gennady Panov created a sketch of the Young Dreamer which became the prototype of the future Association Noosphere logo. Gennady Panov made a sketch of the Young Dreamer as a tribute to Yuri Gagarin who was the first human who made a journey into outer space. This statuette has several different names like Boy with a Toy Space Rocket or The Young Cosmonaut-Dreamer. This masterpiece was produced by a special technology from high-quality cast-iron.

From the first look at the statuette, Max Polyakov was stunned by how it exactly united all his ideas and thoughts about Association Noosphere. It combines all the philosophies and visions of the Noosphere team. Max Polyakov was the first who saw the logo of the Association Noosphere in this statuette. So what so special did Max Polyakov saw in this statuette?

It was a great combination of all elements that fit together as an ideal match for each other to create a vision of the noosphere. Max Polyakov was delight with what he saw in this artwork, a boy who is a symbol of the youthful energy that motivates us all and makes us fearless, and also shows us that no matter where we are, we are always at the beginning of our path to make the world a better place. The rocket in the boy’s hand is a symbol of extending horizons using modern technologies and the earth is a deep symbol of our home – the cradle of humanity. All of the elements of the statuette complete by itself the slogan of Association Noosphere  – Technology Knowledge Humanity.

Max Polyakov always wanted to get the amazing Kasli statuette of the Young Dreamer that inspired him to create the logo. So, in 2012 Max Polyakov and Association Noosphere ordered authentic statuettes from the Kasli factory, thereby bringing to the world several other similar art creations, manufactured using the same technology.

By Emily