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Millennials Are Having Less Sex Than Previous Generations as Sex Chat and Careers Take Precedence

ByDave Stopher

May 3, 2021

Instead of breaking out the white dress and walking the aisle, millennials are dialling into sex chat lines and getting their own house in order. Better allowing them to have their avocado toast and eat it too.

Millennials have gotten a bad rap. From the food they eat (avocado toast is amazing, btw) to the way they interact on intimate levels, Millennials have been under near constant fire from media outlets and older generations. Seen as lazy, entitled, narcissistic and often painted as promiscuous, the generation that gave us the selfie and Tinder is actually having less sex than the generations that love to villainize them.

Maybe it’s because of GenX angst at forever being the latchkey kids— largely forgotten and often unfairly lumped into the dreaded ‘boomer’ generation. Maybe actual Boomers are just a bit triggered by the fact that millennials outnumber them— by almost 10%. The generation is also far more diverse, with almost 40% being of a minority group. Whatever it is, millennials have had it fairly rough, routinely being misrepresented— specifically when it comes to their sexual behaviors. Hence the rise of sex chat users.

While Tinder, sexting, live phone sex, and Snapchat have all contributed to this sexually crazed miscategorization, these are most likely the biggest contributing factors to why this generation is having less sex, as there is a larger variety of non-physical outlets to enjoy. Coupled with the facts that millennials are living longer, better educated, more civic-minded, and also see themselves as more connected to a global community, it only makes sense that this group is waiting longer and sharing their beds less often than the generations before them. As millennials have a lot to do.

Digital Dating

More than just having less sex, the latest generation to emerge into mid-adulthood is also marrying much later in life. Which might be why some people continue to point to the ‘hookup’ culture that Millennials have supposedly breathed life into as a main cause for this slow march towards “maturity” in relationships.

This hookup culture, a term that is meant to encapsulate millennials predilection to merely hookup meaninglessly and casually. Which goes as far to suggest that the generation isn’t just incapable of intimacy, but also struggles to date. However, that might not be the case at all. Thanks to inheriting a crushed economy (millennials have already seen the devastation wrought by two of the worst recessions in history), cost-prohibitive housing market, less than livable wage, hyperinflation, and a meek job market at best— millennials just have other things to be worrying about other than their love lives. Like the fact that more of them live with their parents during collegiate years, and frankly dating is expensive— nearly cost prohibitive— when you’ve been born into a world that you can’t afford, which leads a number of millennials to turn toward other outlets to alleviate their sexual frustrations through sex chats.

More Options

Thanks to the internet, quelling sexual desires when you’re also trying to balance getting an education with a full-time job or running a startup while playing in-house IT for your parents, is a much easier task than it’s ever been before. There are a number of online applications, pornography streams, and even the revolution of sex chats and live mobile phone, sex operators, ready and willing to help millennials get on with their lives while still satisfying urges at a price that is actually viable. Onlyfans is one notable option in today’s digital landscape, and the option to find OnlyFans creators local to you through an Onlyfans map makes this option all the more appealing.

This might elicit more than a few scornful glances, but some experts believe that this is because millennials value marriage and love differently than generations before. As opposed to getting married young, a major contributor to higher divorce rates, millennials aren’t tying the knot until they’re in their 30s or at the doorstep. Higher levels of sexual inactivity can easily translate into lower incidences of sexually transmitted diseases, unplanned pregnancy, and a number of other factors that generations before had to deal with in incredibly high numbers.

This idea of digital dating, prior to ever meeting face-to-face allows them to better get to know those that they plan on spending their hard-earned time and money on. Which means that the options are better, the intimacy is more solid, and the courtship lasts almost two years longer on average than those of previous generations. Which may mean that millennials are actually much more responsible when it comes to love than their predecessors.

It’s Not Just Conventional a Sex Chat or a Phone Sex Call

This paradigm of balancing digital sexual satisfaction, casual hookups, and serious relationships might be something that could prove to be hugely beneficial later in life. As millennials report that these digital sources of satisfaction, like sex chat, phone sex or sexting apps, allow them to better focus on their own lives and careers in their 20s, without the hassle of getting into toxic and unhealthy relationships just to be able to pull. Suggesting that millennials aren’t just more protective of their love lives, but also their time and efforts.

Instead of rushing into relationships, these love savvy gurus are spending more time the phone lines and websites of places like 121girls— which means that they not only are capable of exploring and understanding their own sexualities, but also the preferences of their partners. Which as far as we can tell— is actually a really great thing.