North East Connected

New Year, New You at leading North East spa

THE North East’s most luxurious spa is offering potential new members the chance to keep their New Year fitness resolutions, with a package tailored to their individual needs.

The Spa at Ramside near Durham is preparing for a busy January, as people promise themselves to get fit after the festive season excesses.

And anyone who signs up for membership at the spa, based at Ramside Hall Hotel, Golf and Spa, will not only benefit from all of the state-of-the-art facilities but will also get four free holistic health coaching sessions tailored to their needs.

Along with full use of the spa, the gym and a programme of around 40 classes, members will also get the opportunity to work with a coach to come up with a plan suited to their lifestyle.

This could include helping people concerned about their sleep patterns, posture or diet with their individual plan tailored about addressing these areas.

Tim Boyd, General Manager at Ramside Hall Hotel, Golf and Spa, said the new packages allowed members to get relevant and important support.

“The New Year is always a busy time as people set themselves fitness goals,” he said. “We believe that along with fitness, health and wellbeing should be a big focus for everyone.

“Our team works closely with members to look at what their individual needs are and then will then draw up a programme of personal targets to improve all of these areas.

“Everyone has a different area of concern, but because our programme is tailored to every single individual nobody need miss out.”

As well as admission to the Holistic Health Plan, membership includes unlimited use of the spa and gym facilities, more than 40 exercise classes, regular offers and challenges, and discounts at the hotel’s restaurants and bars, golf shop and salon.

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