• Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

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NHS Business Services Authority receives gold award for commitment to diversity and inclusion

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NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) has been given the gold award by enei (the Employers Network for Equality and Inclusion) for its excellent diversity and inclusion work.

This is the third year in a row NHSBSA has been recognised by the organisation with a TIDE (Talent Inclusion and Diversity Evaluation) gold award.

It has also been ranked first amongst all organisations taking part, for the second year running. This year that was 155 organisations from across the UK.

Michael Brodie, Chief Executive of NHSBSA said: “I’m really pleased that our approach to diversity and inclusion has once again been recognised with an enei gold benchmark. The results show we have sustained or improved our practices yet further over the past few years since we were first assessed.

“It’s fantastic to be recognised as one of the most inclusive organisations in the UK. We always strive to ensure that NHSBSA is a great place to work and we will not rest on our laurels.”

Enei is the leading employer network promoting equality and inclusion in the workplace. Its role is to influence government, business and trade unions, campaigning for real practical change.

The Gold Standard is only awarded to the very top performing organisations in TIDE. The TIDE mark allows organisations to measure progress in equality, diversity and inclusion practice both year-on-year and in comparison with their peers.

By Sahdia