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One Week Countdown to Voter Registration

Screen Shot 2016-04-07 at 12.07.36With one week left until voter registration closes, South Tyneside is urging residents to act now to protect their right to vote in the forthcoming Local Government Elections.

The Local Government elections are only weeks away with 18 seats in all wards across South Tyneside Council being contested on Thursday 5 May.

Voters will go to the polls to elect local government councillors to represent them on the Council. They will also elect a Police and Crime Commissioner for the Northumbria police area.

The Council is keen to remind all residents, particularly 18-year-olds, who can vote for the first time this year, that they need to be registered by this coming Monday (18 April) to be able to cast their vote on Election Day.

Councillor Alan Kerr, Deputy Leader of South Tyneside Council with responsibility for Democratic Renewal, said: “It is very important people are registered to vote by the closing date if they want to vote in the forthcoming elections. Unfortunately, those who are not registered in time will not be able to have their say on Election Day on who represents them on South Tyneside Council and on police and crime issues.

“Online registration makes registering to vote easier and more convenient than ever before. It only takes a few minutes to do at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote and people can access it through their computer, smartphone or tablet.”

Sixteen and 17-year-olds can also register themselves now so that they will be able to vote as soon as they turn 18. Students who are living away at university can also register at both their term time address and home address.

Councillor Kerr added: “We want to get the message across to young people that voting enables them to have their say on the issues that affect their everyday lives – from leisure services and events to education and the environment.

“Young people and students are much less likely to be registered so we are urging them to take the opportunity to get on the electoral register. We would also encourage all those young people who have already registered to help spread the word among their family and friends about how easy it is to register online.”

Everyone is responsible for registering themselves to vote. Those registering will need to prove their identity by providing their name, address, National Insurance number and date of birth when applying.

People can apply to register to vote online at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote  The last day to apply to register to vote for the 2016 Local Government Elections is Monday 18 April

Those who would prefer a postal vote, rather than going along to a polling station, need to be registered individually before they can apply for a postal vote. The closing date for postal vote applications isTuesday 19 April, at 5pm.

Anyone who has difficulties accessing the internet or would like to register over the phone can call South Tyneside Council’s Elections Team on (0191) 424 7248 or 7527. The Team can also help anyone who is unsure whether or not they are registered. More information about electoral registration in South Tyneside is available on the Council’s website at www.southtyneside.gov.uk/elections

By admin