A free training session will help tenants to find employment in a digital world.
County Durham Housing Group is teaming up with Time to get online to deliver its new ‘Digital Job Skills’ course on Tuesday, 8 March from 10am to 12pm at Bowburn Community Centre in Durham.
The morning workshop will help attendees with every aspect of recruitment, from searching for jobs on the internet to completing online application forms.
Claire Maddison, Employment and Skills Officer at County Durham Housing Group is encouraging people looking for work to get in touch.
She said: “More and more the working world is being placed on a digital platform, but if someone hasn’t had to look for a job for some time, the prospect of getting online and knowing where to start can be daunting.”
Vickie Musgrove, Digital Inclusion Co-ordinator for the Time to get online project, agrees: “We want to show people that the internet is nothing to be afraid of, and with some simple guidance residents can find a whole host of opportunities at their fingertips.”
For more information call 0191 349 7657 or email employability@cdhg.co.uk
Details of future events can be found at www.countydurhamhousinggroup.co.uk/events-calendar