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Sultan Alam puts his Money where his Mouth is as only Independent Candidate for Cleveland PCC

Screen Shot 2016-04-11 at 16.23.57With the closure of nominations on Thursday April 7th, Sultan Alam is the only independent candidate running for the position of Cleveland Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), with a promise of ‘Policing Not Politics.’

Sultan receives no financial assistance and is funding the estimated £35,000 cost of his campaign himself, including the £5,000 deposit for his nomination of running as a candidate.

His non party political status is viewed as a key factor when considering what is best for Cleveland Police and the people of Cleveland, it serves. Many people believe that the position of PCC is too important to be affected by party agendas.

Sultan Alam, from Middlesbrough, is contesting against Labour’s Barry Coppinger who is the current PCC, UKIP’s Steve Matthews and the Conservative’s Matthew Vickers.

All three party candidates receive party support and finance for their campaigns.

In the current climate of public disengagement with party politics and distrust of politicians, the entrance of Sultan as a retired and commended police officer and more importantly an individual with no party allegiance, is a refreshing prospect.

Sultan has a clear vision on how to introduce positive change to Cleveland Police and is urging people to stand up and make their vote count on May 5th.

Sultan said: “I am serious about improving Cleveland Police. It is going to cost me personally to run my campaign and I am putting my money where my mouth is.

“I don’t have a ‘Party Machine’ which encourages members to follow the party line, regardless of the candidate or what is best. I have a group of dedicated and committed individuals who believe in my principles and also I have an intelligent public who are sick and tired of hearing the same excuses and politics.

“It is my number one priority to reach out to these members of the public with my pledges; ‘Policing Not Politics’ and ‘Better Policing’ for a safer Cleveland.

“Ultimately, if elected and I fail to improve the performance of Cleveland Police, as assessed by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC), then I will not waste your time by standing for re-election.

“No other candidate will give you this pledge.”

Mr Alam is planning to release his pledges and details on how he will improve Cleveland Police in the following days and weeks. For further information please visit www.sultanalam.co.uk or visiting his Facebook page: Sultan Alam For PCC

By admin