A talented, budding film animator, from Richmond Sixth Form College, had a taste of life in the movies when he spent a week working at the prestigious British Film Institute.
A passionate graphic designer, Ollie Lubanski, in Year 12, studies A-levels in ICT, Media and Design & Technology and was successful in gaining a highly-sought-after place on the BFI Film Academy week-long Residential Animation and VFX (Visual Effects) Course. He was the only student from across the whole of Yorkshire to take part.
The BFI Film Academy scheme provides opportunities for talented and committed young people, between the ages of 16–19, to develop new skills and build a career in the film industry. The high-profile course is a very competitive and Ollie is very proud of his achievement.
The intensive course was run with leading-industry professionals delivering masterclasses and practical skills training. It included trips, screenings, industry speakers and careers guidance. Each participant worked on an animation or VFX sequence supported by BAFTA-winning tutors. The training venue was the hub at City and Islington College, a modern, £15M, purpose-built media training centre with filming studios, sound rooms, theatres and chill-out areas.
Ollie was instrumental in the making of a fabulous animated film, with three other students, to build a professional on-line portfolio. He was instrumental in its planning, creation, filming and production. Not only was Ollie the lead actor, but he also filmed, when he wasn’t acting, and created the introduction and special effects as well as drawing all the graphics. Ollie’s impressive film can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETBAq9Y5X0E&list=PLqSoxvNTfPjhlmIkKaYvN_V_xftMOQ-yS&index=9
Whilst at the Academy Ollie also attended film screenings and networking events. Ollie now receives six months follow-up careers and training support.
Ollie said: “I really enjoyed it because it let me do something I’m passionate about and it gave me more skills and opportunities to work with people with the same interests. The organisers were very helpful and made an effort to get the best out of you. I would recommend this course for people who enjoy film-making, drawing or Photoshop because you can put these skills into practice.”
Ms Mannion, Careers Leader, said: “This has been an amazing opportunity for Ollie, who is clearly talented in the field of animation. His VFX project is brilliant and he has developed so many new skills to use in his future career. “