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Top Tips on How to Keep Your Home Safe from Burglars

ByDave Stopher

Jun 5, 2018

Did you know that in the United Kingdom each year there are over 7.3 million burglaries? This is an alarming number and while we all hope that it will never happen to us, we never know for sure. This is why it is so important that you make safety and security in your home from burglars a top priority. Here, we are taking you through our top tips on how to keep your home safe from burglars and the preventative methods you can take to stop this from happening to you.

Are Your Doors Secure?

This may seem like an obvious one, but it is the most important on the list. The first thing that you should do when you are securing your home from burglars is to check your doors. What’s crazy here is that around 33% of burglars actually enter your house through the front door. Have an inspection of your front door to make sure that the frame is secure, the hinges are protected, the wood is strong and that no one can reach through your mail slot to unlock the door. While your front door is a lovely focal point to your home, you shouldn’t be sacrificing it for a nice view. If there is no peephole or deadbolt, have these installed to make your front door even more secure.

Ensure All Windows Are Locked

The next thing that you will want to check in your home is your windows as this is another area in which burglars will try to target to break into your home. With your windows, the latches that are provided by manufacturers are not always that effective that you may find that a lot of the time they are actually quite flimsy. We would recommend replacing these with new and secure locks. Key operated levers are perfect and laminated glass can also make your windows hold stronger. Over 20% of burglaries take place through a first floor window, so this is an important step.

Get a Security System

A security system is the next important stage and this could either be a DIY installation or you can splash out on a fully monitored smart system. Which one you choose to go for may also depend on the area that you live in and what you feel comfortable installing. The basics that you should definitely make sure are installed in your home are an alarm, smoke detector, carbon monoxide detector and motion sensors for the doors and windows.

Make an Effort with Your Neighbours

One of the best first lines of defence against being burgled is actually to speak with your neighbours. Being friendly with the other people on the street can give you an insight into the area and they can also give you more information on the area. What’s more, if you are away on holiday, your neighbours can also keep an eye on your home for you while you are away. Try to form good relationships with your neighbours as this will ensure that you have people to rely on.

Have a Mock Burglary

Now that you have installed your security systems and checked your windows and doors, it is time to have a close friend or family member take a walk through your house to see if they can spot anything this is not secure. Have you left your valuables out for everyone to see? Can a burglar see through the curtains in your home? When you have a mock burglary, you will have a good insight into areas of your home that you may need to tighten up your security plan.

Know Who to Contact

It is important that you know who to contact should you be the victim of a burglary. You should know the emergency local police number to call and check out the neighbourhood watch programme if there is one. You may even be able to have a police officer give you tips on how you can further secure your home from a burglary.

Make Sure Your Outdoor Space is Lit Up

It may surprise you to hear that most burglaries actually occur in the daytime, however, it is still important that you have your outdoor space lit up to make it more secure at night. Make sure you place a light at your front door and in your back garden, plus you could even use a light with an added motion sensor for extra protection. When there is a spotlight on you, you are far less likely to try and burgle someone’s house. 

Ensure Your Garden Space is Secure

Burglars will not only try to take things from your home, but they will also try to take things from your garden too if they are of a high value. If you have large electrical equipment such as a lawnmower, you will want to make sure that this is stored away correctly in a garden shed that is secure and that has a good lock on it. If you’re looking for one that’s going to be good value for money, you can find garden sheds here that are secure and you can also purchase locks to increase your security.

Take Away Any Hiding Places

While things like shrubs and bushes may look really nice, they also provide burglars with a place to hide and will make it easier for them to get into your home. We would recommend trimming down the plants and trees that are near to your home and instead opt for much smaller flowers.

Add Security Signs

This may seem trivial but having a security sign up really can deter potential burglars. This could be a yard sign or a sign in your window. Another good idea to consider is to put in a fake security system if you cannot afford the real things as this can often be enough to discourage people from attempting to rob your home.