North East housing provider, Tyne Housing Association (THA) is highlighting the great benefits of supported housing in Tyneside and Northumberland as part of Starts at Home day.
The Starts at Home campaign celebrates supported housing and tells the stories of people in communities across the country who have gained independence or rebuilt their confidence through these vital services proved with a safe and secure home, including sheltered accommodation, refuges for women fleeing domestic violence, shelters and supported homes for those at risk of homelessness, and supported housing for vulnerable young people and adults with disabilities.
The funding system for supported housing is currently being reviewed by the Government, after which a new funding mechanism will be set up. The National Housing Federation and THA are campaigning to persuade the Government to ensure that every person who needs extra support has a home that meets their needs.
THA has also written to local MP Nick Brown asking him to champion supported housing in Parliament.
Ian Johnson, Chief Executive of THA, said: “Tyne Housing Association has been providing supported housing and day services for vulnerable people across the Tyneside and Northumberland since 1973. During that time, many local people have benefitted from the support and service we have delivered, which has helped them to live independently in their own homes.
“It’s imperative that the Government continues to fund supported housing and throughout the campaign, we will be raising awareness of the importance of this service and the positive impact this has had on vulnerable people in our region.”
Keith Selkirk, 41 of Farm View, Byker underwent rehab in a drug and alcohol unit before being admitted into a psychiatric unit after suffering from a mental breakdown. He eventually responded to dealing with his situation and moved into supported housing by THA in 2007. “It made me change my life and gave me time to reflect on my situation. A support worker helped me and I managed to clear my debts before being offered a supported tenancy on my own in 2011”, said Keith.
“If it wasn’t for supported housing, I’d be in jail and on the streets if I was released as other places wouldn’t help me. Supported housing means everything because it has helped me and although you may not see it at the time, I have now moved on and can look back on things and what mistakes I made. It changed my life and I got a lot better. I can see a future and I have a nice flat with my own kitchen and also have friends in the same building.”
David Orr, Chief Executive at the National Housing Federation said: “Supported housing provides a safe and secure home that helps people to live independently and to achieve their aspirations. That’s why we launched the Starts at Homes campaign to celebrate the good work done by so many in the supported housing sector, and show the Government why it’s such a crucial part of the housing fabric.”
For more information on the Starts at Home campaign, please visit