North East Connected

Where to Take the Kids This Weekend in the North East of England: A Fun-Filled Adventure Awaits!

The North East of England, a diverse and culturally rich area, is brimming with activities that cater to children and families. From the bustling city centers of Newcastle and Sunderland to the tranquil beauty of Northumberland and the historical depth of Durham, there’s no shortage of places to explore.

Urban Adventures

Discovery Museum, Newcastle

This free museum is a haven for curious minds, with exhibits ranging from science and technology to history. Its interactive displays are designed to engage children, making learning fun and accessible.

Sunderland Museum and Winter Gardens

Combine cultural enrichment with natural beauty at the Sunderland Museum. The attached Winter Gardens features a tropical paradise of over 2,000 plants and an enchanting koi pond, perfect for inspiring young naturalists.

Centre for Life, Newcastle

Science comes to life at the Centre for Life. With a planetarium, a science theatre, and constantly updated exhibitions, it offers educational fun for all ages.

Historical Journeys

Bamburgh Castle

Overlooking the North Sea, Bamburgh Castle offers a majestic backdrop for a family day out. Its rich history and stunning location make it a perfect spot for both education and exploration.

Beamish, The Living Museum of the North

Step back in time at Beamish, where history is not just seen but experienced. Families can explore recreated Georgian, Victorian, and Edwardian communities and interact with costumed figures.

Nature Escapes

The Alnwick Garden

These spectacular gardens are not just about flora; they also feature mesmerizing water sculptures and a giant treehouse that will enchant children and adults alike.

Durham Dales

Part of the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, the Durham Dales offer stunning landscapes perfect for family hikes and picnics.

Farne Islands

Take a boat trip to the Farne Islands for an unforgettable wildlife adventure. Puffins, seals, and numerous other seabirds make this a spectacular natural outing.

Outdoor Activities

Adventure Valley, Durham

Combining farm animals, play areas, and even mini golf, Adventure Valley offers a day of excitement and adventure for children of all ages.

South Shields Beach

Enjoy a classic day at the beach with sandy shores, a funfair, and plenty of ice cream. South Shields Beach also hosts numerous family-oriented events throughout the year.

Educational Experiences

Great North Museum

Explore everything from ancient Egyptian artifacts to a full-scale T-Rex skeleton. The Great North Museum is an educational journey through time.

National Glass Centre, Sunderland

Witness the art of glass making and even try your hand at it in workshops tailored for families and children.

Seasonal Events

Look out for seasonal events in the North East, like Christmas markets in winter and vibrant festivals in summer, providing unique experiences every visit.

Practical Tips for Planning Your Visit

To make the most of your trip, consider these tips:


What are some indoor activities for rainy days?

Are there any suitable activities for very young children?

What’s the best way to get around the North East with kids?

Are there family discounts available for attractions?

What should we pack for a day out in the North East?


Whether you’re exploring ancient castles, enjoying scenic nature trails, or learning through interactive museum exhibits, the North East of England offers a wealth of activities that promise a memorable weekend for kids and adults alike. Plan your adventure today and create lasting family memories in this vibrant, diverse region.

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