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Hopping Across The North East From Hub To Hub

3 Benefits of Cloud Transformation

ByDave Stopher

Jun 25, 2021

According to the International Data Group (IDG) research, almost 70% of businesses have integrated cloud computing into their digital strategy. The process of moving your business to the cloud – commonly known as cloud migration or cloud transformation – can be complicated. But the benefits will far outweigh the initial inconvenience.

In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the top three benefits of cloud transformation. Whether your business is already online or you’re contemplating a complete digital overhaul, read on to discover what cloud migration could do for your company.

  1. You Can Synchronise Your Software

How many software tools does your business use? Analysis from 2019 found that the number of software apps deployed across industries worldwide had increased by 68% since 2015. That means the average company was using 129 different tools every day, from email servers and CRM software to productivity trackers.

When you store your apps individually on your hard drive, you can waste hours of your day flicking between each tool – not to mention trying to synchronise your packages. Cloud transformation makes this a thing of the past. By hosting all of your software in the cloud, you can easily navigate between apps from within one centralised dashboard, helping to keep your computer (and mind) uncluttered.

Best of all, cloud software also gets updated automatically. That means you don’t need to worry about installing updates and manually transferring your data between programmes.

  1. You Can Minimise Downtime

In the digital world, computer downtime directly translates to lost business. Not only will it affect your ability to process customers, but it can also have a devastating effect on your reputation – just look at TSB’s infamous IT meltdown if you want proof!

Some companies worry that by using the same cloud service provider to host all of their business apps, they’re endangering their data (after all, it will affect every programme at once) if a problem occurs. But in reality, cloud apps are usually the safest option.

Because your programmes are hosted externally, it’s often straightforward for your service provider’s in-house tech support team to recover your data. Their specialist disaster recovery professionals will be on-hand to help straight away, meaning your company isn’t responsible for fixing the problem.

  1. You Can Promote Remote Work

Another great benefit of cloud transformation is the fact that it enables your team to work remotely. Today, remote working is more popular than ever – not just with employees, who can enjoy greater flexibility, but also with many employers. This is because they can recruit the best talent, regardless of location or time zone.

If your team is partly or fully distributed, cloud transformation is vital. By hosting your work programmes in the cloud, you can ensure that every member of your company can access the same files from any device.

Gone are the days of being chained to a work computer at your desk. Instead, it’s possible to log in and start working from anywhere in the world, as long as you have a reliable internet connection. This makes it much easier to collaborate with colleagues, ensuring nobody has to lose working time just because they’re unable to come into the office.

Is your company missing out on the benefits above? Take your first step towards cloud transformation today!