If you do not have a credit history for getting a personal loan, you need immediate cash. You may be wondering about alternate lending processes. Here come various loans like payday loans, and pawn shop loans. They have become an alternative lending process for individuals in dire need of immediate cash. You can use these as your first and last resort when getting money for your monetary issues. Of these three options, pawn shop loans are the best alternative because they are the least damaging and do not affect your credit history. Although every process has pros and cons, pawn shop loans are the least harmful and the most effective.
What are pawn shop loans?
First and foremost, you must understand what a pawn shop loan is. These are secured types of loans that get backed by collateral. The item you take to these shops is called a pawn, and you leave it with the pawn broker in return for cash. When you pay the loan back within time, you get back your item. However, if you cannot repay the loan, the pawn brokers will sell off your item and get the money.
What is the process to get easy pawn shop loans?
Some pawnshop brokers will trade in firearms, power tools, jewelry, electronics, and musical instruments. When you discover a valuable item and bring it to these pawn shops, they will evaluate them and analyze the resale value. Then they will provide you with cash equivalent to the market value of the commodity. However, all pawn shop dealers do not deal with every item. You have to know the list of their things and then approach them.
If you are thinking of pawning the item, these dealers will offer you a loan based on its worth. You may expect cash that is 25 to 60% of the resale value of your item. Moreover, these loans charge finance fees along with an interest rate that is not very expensive. Remember that the processes of USApawn are under the regulation of the state authorities. Hence, they will protect your interest as a customer.
When you return the amount within the stipulated time, you get back your item. Generally, the duration is 30 to 60 days, but it differs from one state to another. If you cannot repay your loan, the pawn brokers will reserve your item and put it up for sale. Although you don’t have to pay any penalty for the non-payment, your collateral will get used for repaying the loan.
Reasons that make pawn shop loans a worthwhile option
The following are the most well-known of all the benefits of pawnshop loans:
- Quick funding- The process of getting loans from these shops is quick and hassle-free. Hence, you may walk out of their shops with money within a few hours.
- No effect on credit- You don’t require good credit history for getting a loan. Moreover, if you do not repay the loan, it will not hit your credit score.
- Hassle-free process- You will not be hounded by creditors or referred to the collectors when you do not pay the loan amount.
When you need cash immediately, and you possess valuable items, you can use this process to add to your finances.