June 21st and the Transformers have gone to war with humans. Transformers – The Last Knight, released by Paramount Pictures, is an action packed movie filled with robots, futuristic technologies and a submarine!
The movie, starring Mark Wahlberg, Anthony Hopkins and Isabela Moner includes the HMS Alliance as a submarine transformer which has a submersible pursuing it.
Paramount created an authentic life size submersible, which included loan equipment from Analox. The sensor technology manufacturer provided the production team with their submarine escape and rescue atmosphere monitoring equipment, the Sub MkIIP and Sub MkIIIF. The submersible used in the film was built from scratch and filmed on a soundstage.
“Analox technical support was very helpful in making sure the equipment had authentic readouts despite the fact it was a stage set, and the submersible therefore appeared to be underwater in its scenes.” said Patrick McGee (Set Dec Buyer)
He continued, “Actual underwater film work done in the movie used U.S. Navy equipment. I learned about Analox’s equipment from the U.S. Navy and thought it would be a good addition to make the submersible stage set look as realistic as possible.
“Analox was invaluable in ensuring the submersible set appeared completely authentic.”
Analox, based in Stokesley in the North East of England, was also the area where some members of the production team for Transformers 5 were based, with Mark Wahlberg and members of the filming crew also being spotted in Newcastle upon Tyne.
Analox were honored to be contacted by Paramount Pictures and to be involved in such a world renowned film franchise.
Transformer 5 film links: