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Basketball is an international sport that has millions of fans from across the world. However it seems that the Americans have personalized the sport. The American continent seems to have the bulk of the high profile basketball activity. This maybe a result of the money that is available to the teams and basketball organizations.

Like all other sports the primary source of income for the teams comes from the fans. Either as gate-takings or from the sale of team merchandise. Some sports organizations have even come up with unique ways to leverage the popularity of sporting events by selling exclusive broadcasting rights. These are a few of the ways that money is being made in the sport including sports betting at sites like One of the popular online gambling sites in Australia.  

Differences in the way the game is played are a product of regional segregations. The Americans have a way they play the game which is different from how it is played in the rest of the world. Although the basic gameplay is the same there are a few rules that are different from area to area.  It is these rules that make a world of difference. A slight change in the dimensions of the court or the hoop will affect the performance of a team.

The American All Star basketball national team has by far the most highly paid, highly talented and highly popular players. But despite all this they have a difficult time at international competitions. This is because of the differences in the way the game is played everywhere else in the world. Because the American choose to do things their own way they are now failing to take their rightful place at the top of the food chain.

Just like all other things they do, Americans have a heightened sense of patriotism. Sometimes the actions that proceed out of the patriotism are damaging as in this case. However, in most cases it promotes the consumption of American products. Even real money online casino games based on American themes have proven to be favourites with American online casino gamers.

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