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North East Connected

Hopping Across The North East From Hub To Hub

Funding fourth round opens


Oct 4, 2016

The fourth round of funding from North Yorkshire County Council’s Innovation Fund is now open for applications.

The fund was set up to help voluntary and community organisations to develop services or projects which enable people to become less reliant on statutory health and social care support. The fund is managed by Your Consortium, an enterprise based in Knaresborough.

There is £200,000 available for fourth round funding. The deadline for applications is November 18 and successful applicants will be notified in December.

During round three, 32 organisations were funded to deliver projects. The fourth round of funding will support projects that have an impact of wellbeing and reduce loneliness and social isolation.

County Councillor Clare Wood, Executive member for Adult Social Care and Health Integration, said: “The Council is using this investment as a key part of its wider drive to help people to maintain their independence and to encourage local communities to care for their residents.

‘‘North Yorkshire County Council faces significant challenges in being able to make savings over the next few years. The Innovation Fund aims to support the transformation and sustainability of adult health and social care in North Yorkshire by prioritising areas for voluntary and community organisations to produce innovative approaches to early intervention and prevention projects.

“The fourth round of funding will build upon the success of previous rounds and provide funding for projects that will be evaluated for their impact on wellbeing and reducing loneliness and social isolation.’’

Application documents are available by visiting the YourConsortium website on www.yourconsortium.org

By Emily