Social housing provider Keelman Homes has secured an additional Empty Homes Grant from the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA).
The additional £400,000 has enabled the Keelman Homes Empty Homes Purchase and Repair Programme 2015-18 to double the number of empty homes which will be brought back into use in Gateshead.
The original programme included 20 units after initially securing £396,000 of grant funding. The new expanded programme is for 40 units based on the new total of £796,000 of grant funding.
The programme will bring approximately £2.8m of housing investment into Gateshead by March 2018, and provide a range of affordable-rent properties to people registered on the Housing Register.
All properties in the programme are acquired by Keelman Homes, refurbished to a high standard, then let at affordable rates and managed by The Gateshead Housing Company.
Amanda Gallagher, Development and Investment Manager for Keelman Homes, said: “This additional funding has meant we can double the number of properties that we can invest in which is great news for housing in Gateshead.
“We hope the programme makes a positive difference to local communities.”
Once completed Keelman Homes Limited will advertise the properties on Tyne and Wear Homes, alongside other properties managed by The Gateshead Housing Company.
Visit for further information about Keelman Homes.